

a sock that reaches to just below the knee.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Wearing emerald green bikini bottoms, green and white kneesocks and a smile, Nadia is hoping she can spur the team on to the finals.
She waves to the fans, who cheer like they're at a rock concert--if rock concerts were played to geriatric throngs sporting walkers, bucket fishing hats, and high kneesocks.
envy the Director of Kneesocks, and wonder about the Under-Secretary of
The striped kneesocks, polo shirts, and large aviator sunglasses clothing a dense population of sun-kissed gay males lying on the limestone and concrete blocks lining an urban lake could suggest a contemporary scene.
I did not own the rights to her, but I felt that her clothes, hairstyles, kneesocks, wedge shoes, and tight T-shirts were extremely marketable.
It was the year I turned fourteen and the year in which the rest of the country came unhinged--even my mother had an "ERA NOW" bumper sticker on her wood-paneled Country Squire wagon--yet at our school we were still observantly standing at Sunday dinner until the faculty members sat and being careful not to violate the dress code when sunbathing (kneesocks must remain pulled up at all times while sunning on the patio off Old Main Dormitory) and dutifully circumventing entire swaths of grass known as sacred spaces on campus so that a straight line between two buildings was taken only in stealth and even then Mr.
I pause on the sidewalk to confirm that the rhythm isn't the tap of my penny loafers on pavement--me in my autumny orange-and-brown wool outfit with matching kneesocks. As I stand still, silent, I'm now certain the sound emanates from the direction of the window, heartbeats twining with sunrays pulsing off glass.
Billposters are usually full-bearded people with wire-rimmed glasses, various types of physician's bags, climbing boots, woolen kneesocks, knickers, knapsacks with strapped-on ice axes, felt hats with pheasant, grouse, partridge, or chicken feathers and mountain climber's gear pinned on, who turn up in the remotest parts of the land, are greeted happily by the children because they often give them bent nails, crumpled paper scraps, stretched-out rubber kneebands, discarded rusty hinges in various sizes, torn suspenders, broken-off pieces of barbed wire, and many other things, but have to watch out that the posters they carry rolled up under their arms aren't stolen.
It could be "Hey ugly," or "Look at you, with your hand-me-downs," regarding a sister whose uniform was a little loose, or whose blouse wasn't ironed, or whose white kneesocks had lost their elastic.
Just as I was leaving, a line of girls in their plaid uniforms and kneesocks and oxfords came filing out of the library by the willow decked with origami ships, and I saw the girl with whom we'd had our original interview, the girl Zoe had perhaps presciently envied, calling her "little princess perfect." The girl still looked beautiful and she seemed, if anything, less perfect in all the good ways.
About 50% of the participants were provided with compression kneesocks to wear and ultrasound screening was performed before the flights and then after travel within 24 hours of the return flights.
Yet we did manage to work in a second massage, and had a beautiful formal portrait taken on the famous "Love Boat Staircase." We can't wait to repack those goofy shorts and kneesocks we bought for our next cruise to Bermuda.