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1. (Plants) any of several large hollow-stemmed umbelliferous plants, such as cow parsnip and chervil
2. (Plants) the dried stalks of any of these plants
[C14: of obscure origin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
But faith, if 'twas I, I should be as dry as a kex wi' travelling so far."
Dave Watson found success as a commercial artist and advertising director while Kex Gorin played drums for famed rock band Magnum.
To properly verify previous findings, we selected a conserved region of the Kex partial DNA sequence to target a DNA epitope other than gp43 and ITS sequences used by other investigators (14-16).
In addition, KEX's high EBITDA margins, north of 27% in 2015, and successful capacity management within the inland marine market, has allowed the firm to maintain financial flexibility and adequately mitigate the impact of cyclicality in the energy markets.
Treatments [P.sub.avail] [Fe.sub.avail] Kex (mg [kg.sup.-1]) Control 7c 12a 281a BCH 7c 13a 299a OF+SF1 13a 12a 300a (BCH+OF)+SFl 12ab 10a 301a MVC+SF2 Dab 12a 295a DVC+SF3 8c 12a 291a SVC+SF4 9bc 13a 281a Time (T) *4= n.s.
Evans, 'Detection of cracking in mild steel fatigue specimens using acoustic emission and digital image correlation', Kex Engineering Materials, Vol 592, pp 735-740, 2013.
The optimum conditions for the extraction of mixed ligand complexes (MLC) (organic solvent, extraction time, acidity of the aqueous phase, concentration of reagents), some key constants {association constant (b), extraction constant (Kex)} and analytical characteristics were determined.
(58) Yvain, lines 1351-54: 'donc iert il honiz en travers, | tant est Kex et fel et pervers, | plains de ranpones et d'enui, | qu'il ne garra james a lui.'
A radio report said a Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV), bearing KEX 246 plate number, lost control and plowed through the plant boxes on the central island of the flyover from the southbound lane.
Jamieson, who runs Kex Shoes Ltd, has joined forces with Jon Pritchett of Club 9 Sports, who was one of the key players in American businessman Bill Miller's attempt to take control of Rangers.