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(Physical Geography) a line on a map connecting points of equal wind speed
[from iso- + Greek takhos speed]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The distribution of wind speeds has some noteworthy characteristics, including 1) a strong perpendicular-to-coastline, or cross-shore, wind speed gradient in the first 75-100 km from shore at all locations; 2) the variability of this gradient in the cross-shore direction, with the strongest gradients closest to the coastline and weaker gradients farther from the shore; and 3) the variability of the gradient in the alongshore direction (e.g., the 9 m [s.sup.-1] isotach is much closer to shore in the Gulf of Maine than off the Maryland-Delaware coastline).
The large spread is due in part to the location of the of the parent jet maximum, a sample of which is shown in Figure 4(e) using the 90-knot isotach from each event; it also reveals a clear preference for events to occur on the equatorward side of the upper-level jet maximum.
The spaghetti plot of the 35-knot isotach at 850 mb (Figure 6(d)) supports this view.
[9] for isotach viscosity and identifies the modifications proposed by the writers to improve its utility for the special condition of combined initial low strain and low strain rate during monotonic constant rate-of-strain tensile loading and changes in rate of strain during these types of tests.
300-hPa isotach and divergence fields were superposed with 500-hPa omega.
Sawicki and Kazimierowicz-Frankowska (12) conducted a set of tests on two different geosynthetics, in which two creep or stress relaxation applied during otherwise ML at a constant stain rate, and pointed out that the observed behavior can be designated as the isotach properties.