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n. Symbol In
A soft, malleable, silvery-white metallic element found primarily in ores of zinc and tin, used in making fusible alloys, in plating aircraft bearings and mirrors, and in compounds for making liquid crystal displays and transistors. Atomic number 49; atomic weight 114.82; melting point 156.60°C; boiling point 2,072°C; specific gravity 7.31; valence 1, 2, 3. See Periodic Table.

[ind(igo) + -ium (so called from the indigo-blue lines in its spectrum).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Elements & Compounds) a rare soft silvery metallic element associated with zinc ores: used in alloys, electronics, and electroplating. Symbol: In; atomic no: 49; atomic wt: 114.82; valency: 1, 2, or 3; relative density: 7.31; melting pt: 156.63°C; boiling pt: 2073°C
[C19: New Latin, from indigo + -ium]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈɪn di əm)

a rare metallic element that is soft, white, malleable, and easily fusible, is found combined in various ore minerals, esp. sphalerite, and has two indigo-blue lines in its spectrum. Symbol: In; at. wt.: 114.82; at. no.: 49; sp. gr.: 7.3 at 20°C.
[< German (1863) < Latin ind(icum) indigo + New Latin -ium -ium2]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Symbol In A soft, easily shaped, silvery-white metallic element that occurs mainly in ores of zinc and lead. It is used in the manufacturing of semiconductors and bearings for aircraft engines and as a plating over silver in making mirrors. Atomic number 49. See Periodic Table.
The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.indium - a rare soft silvery metallic elementindium - a rare soft silvery metallic element; occurs in small quantities in sphalerite
metal, metallic element - any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.
blende, sphalerite, zinc blende - an ore that is the chief source of zinc; consists largely of zinc sulfide in crystalline form
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The mine life is 21 years with average head grades of 6.05% zinc, 18.3 g/t (grams per ton) silver, 67.1 g/t indium, and 0.25% lead.
Indium Software said bringing together its QA/ testing capabilities with next-gen digital expertise has essentially brought the digital switch within arm's length for customers at various stages of maturity in their digital journey.
Indium is a premier materials supplier to the global electronics, semiconductor, thin film, thermal management, and solar markets.
Caption: A computer-generated image shows the flow of 'hot electrons' between eutectic gallium indium and gold nanorods
Indium tin oxide thin films have been prepared by various deposition techniques including dc magnetron sputtering [6], electron beam evaporation [7], reactive sputtering [4,8], sol-gel method [9,10] chemical vapor deposition (CVD) [11] and spray pyrolysis [12,13].
Since both barium and tin are significantly cheaper than indium and are much more abundant, they could help scientists move toward the ultimate goal - creation of a material with high conductivity and optical transparency at a low cost.
The key features in Indium's iSAFE include built-in-analytics, cloud readiness, DevOps readiness, database independent testing and next generation of visual dashboards.
[USPRwire, Fri Apr 10 2015] South America SWIR Market By Material Type (Indium Gallium Arsenide, Mercury cadmium Telluride, Indium Antimonide and Lead Sulfide), By Application and By Industry Type - Analysis and Forecast (2014-2019)
Indium sulphide layers were deposited on glass substrates (18*18*1 mm, cut from microscope slide) by using resistive evaporation method, from tungsten boats, at 70[degrees]C temperature.