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The philosophical doctrine holding that all matter has life, which is a property or derivative of matter.

[Greek hūlē, matter + Greek zōē, life; see gwei- in Indo-European roots + -ism.]

hy′lo·zo′ic adj.
hy′lo·zo′ist n.
hy′lo·zo·is′tic (-zō-ĭs′tĭk) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Among the headlining exhibits will be Hylozoic Ground, a work by renowned sculptor Philip Beesley.
In Hylozoic, by Norwood Pennewell, the first company work not choreographed by Fagan, he lifts lead dancer Nicolette Depass and effortlessly holds her as the seconds slip by.
Canada went all weirdly sci-fi with Hylozoic Ground, an interactive forest made of thousands of lightweight, digitally fabricated components fitted with microprocessors and sensors to mimic organic life.
The former, entitled "Hylozoic Poetry: The Lives of Plants," introduces the theological concept of hylozoism, building upon its OED definition as "the theory that matter is endowed with life." By tracing the term's etymological variants, whose Greek root, hyle, means both matter and wood, McColley develops an ingenious theory that "Christian vitalist poets retain a hylozoic sense of the origins of matter and the materials of language in their words and forms" (110).
Chapters devoted to 'hylozoic' and 'zoic' poetry--the one describing how poets 'went beyond emblematic uses of plants to heed the processes of their lives' (p.