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a person who hones something
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Trump has spelt hamburgers, 'hambergers', roll instead of 'role', honour 'honer' and 'unpresidented' for unprecedented.
Trump has spelt hamburgers, "hambergers", roll instead of "role", honour "honer" and "unpresidented" for unprecedented.
Only specific objective data (e.g., from motor performance tests) is common within talent selections in several development programs, in addition to the coaches' eye (Honer et al., 2017).
"We are excited to be a part of IAMA," said Adrian Honer, partner and ODA Lead Administrator at Envoy Aerospace, LLC.
Honer e Demetriou, 2014; Kain e colaboradores, 2010, 2012, 2014; King e Ling, 2015; Krauth e colaboradores, 2013; Llaurado e colaboradores, 2014; Lobos e colaboradores, 2013; Martinez-Vizcaino e colaboradores, 2015; Puma e colaboradores, 2013; Sayers e colaboradores, 2012; Spencer e colaboradores, 2014; Thakur e colaboradores, 2016; Villa-Gonzalez e colaboradores, 2017; Xu e colaboradores, 2014; Wang e colaboradores, 2015) percebese que alguns fatores como a duracao da intervencao e a abordagem adotada foram determinantes para limitar a efetividade.
Earlier, a special contingent of Police paid guard of honer to A.D
Deterging K, Honer Zu Siederdissen C, Port K, Solbach P, Sollik L, Kirschner J, et al.
In addition, extraterritorial excursions can increase during periods of low prey density for spotted-hyenas Crocuta crocuta (Honer et al.
Honer - Rachel and Darrell Honer, of Creswell, a son.
On Steve Hiett's 21st birthday, his parents gave him a Samoca 35 mm camera and a Honer Senator guitar.
HONER Brenda Passed away peacefully on 18th October 2015 aged 75 years.