

denoting a tall-growing variety of a bush
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odoratum, respectively), mountain laurel, and highbush cranberry (this will give you creamy white flower clusters in early summer and bright red berries and foliage in the fall).
Differences in the composition of sex pheromone in Dipterans, within cryptic species complexes, have recently been found in Dasineura oxycoccana (Johnson) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) midges collected from cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton; Ericaceae) and from highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.; Ericaceae) (Fitzpatrick et al.
Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center in Hilo, convinced colleague Kim Hummer, curator of the Corvallis, Oregon, ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository--home of America's official blueberry collection--and University of Hawaii-Manoa professor Wayne Nishijima to pursue the possibility of growing highbush blueberries commercially in Hawaii.
Native to the prairies, the American highbush cranberry forms a large shrub (1-4 m width x 3 to 4 m ht.) with attractive three-lobed foliage (hence the specific epithet "trilobum").
"Our North American native blueberries include Vaccinium corymbosum (highbush or cultivated), Vaccinium ashei for southern (rabbiteye) varieties and Vaccinium angustifolium or (low-bush) or what are called 'wild' blueberries.
oxycoccana came from young highbush blueberry plants east of Mission (49[degrees]12'58"N, 122[degrees]14'11"W) in 1991 (Fitzpatrick, unpublished).
Highbush cranberry Viburnum trilobum has landscape value the entire year.
Assim sendo, conduziu-se este experimento com o objetivo de avaliar a resposta ao enraizamento ex vitro de tres cultivares de mirtileiro (Georgiagem--Grupo Highbush e Bluebelle e Woodard--Grupo Rabbiteye) com o uso de diferentes substratos.