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 (hûrm) also her·ma (hûr′mə)
n. pl. herms also her·mae (-mī)
A rectangular, often tapering stone post bearing a carved head or bust, usually of Hermes, used as a boundary marker in ancient Greece and for decorative purposes in later periods.

[Latin hermēs, herma, from Greek hermēs, from Hermēs, Hermes.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



a monument consisting of a four-sided shaft tapering inward from top to bottom and bearing a head or bust.
[1570–80; < Latin hermēs < Greek hermês statue of Hermes]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Led by the hard- working RCM Centennial Gala chairman and vice president-elect Herma Group chairman Herminio Esguerra and RCM centennial president Jesus Pineda Jr., the affair was a commemoration of RCM's 100 years of meaningful existence.
Another army unit carried out rocket strikes targeting terrorists in the surroundings of Kafrsajna and Maaret Herma in Maaret al-Numan area in Idleb's southern countryside, in addition to targeting terrorists' infiltration routes in the farmlands surroundings al-Fatira village, inflicting losses upon the terrorists and destroying their hideouts, weapons, and ammo.
Labelstock producer Herma and converter schafer-etiketten worked with PE film specialist Polifilm to perfect what they say is the world's first label printed on 100% recycled PE film.
HERMA US Inc., the subsidiary of HERMA GmbH, a Germany-based provider of labeling machinery and self-adhesive labels and materials, has introduced the HERMA 500 Label Applicator, an IOT enabled machine utilizing real-time metrics to optimize production efficiency and consistency, even in a multi-factory setting.
HERMA US Inc., the subsidiary of HERMA GmbH-a Germany-based provider of labeling machinery and self-adhesive labels and materials-has introduced the HERMA 500 Label Applicator, an IOT-enabled machine utilizing real-time metrics to optimize production efficiency and consistency, even in a multi-factory setting.
HERMA US Inc., subsidiary of HERMA GmbH-a Germany-based provider of labeling machinery and self-adhesive labels and materials to the global packaging marketplace-has introduced the HERMA 500 Label Applicator, an IOT-enabled machine utilizing real-time metrics to optimize production efficiency and consistency, even in a multi-factory setting.Capable of achieving labeling speeds up to 200m/min, the HERMA 500 can handle label widths between 80-320mm and roll diameters from 300-600mm.
Herma Hill Kay, Larry Kramer, Kermit Roosevelt, and David L.
Players in attendance were - captain Evelyne Makuto, Joy Luseneka, Elizabeth Wanyama, fast raising Lorraine Chebet, Loise Tarus and Herma Jepyegon.
altitude is about grip Verstappen " The high altitude of the Autodro mo Herma nos Rodriguez, which sits 2,200m above sea level, acts as an equaliser in engine perfor mance.
To view TOC of this report is available upon request @ https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/methodology/18076 Label films: Key players Some of the key players in the global label films market are Cosmo Films Ltd., Treofan Group, Innovia Films Ltd., Mondi Group plc, KlE[micro]ckner Pentaplast Ltd., Irplast S.p.A., TAGHLEEF INDUSTRIES GROUP , Bischof + Klein France SAS, DUNMORE Corp, Manucor S.p.A., Renolit SE, Invico S.A., SELENE S.p.A., POLIFILM Group, Accrued Plastic Ltd., Polinas Plastik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S., Jindal Poly Films Limited, HERMA GmbH, Avery Dennison Corp, DuPont Teijin Films.
Trizah Atuka (captain), Noel Murambi, Leonida Kasaya, Celestine Nafula, Monica Biama, Naomi Too, Rose Jepkosgei, Yvonne Sinaida, Janet Wanja, Agrippina Kundu, Rael Tebla, Esther Wangeci, Lucy Akinyi, Christine NgugiCoach: Japheth MunalaAssistant coach: Margaret IndakalaMercy Moim (captain), Joy Luseneka, Herma Jepyegon, Loise Jepkosgei, Edith Wisa, Emmaculate Chemtai, Shyrine Jepkemboi, Diana Khisa, Lorine Chebet, Everlyne Makuto, Sharon Chepchumba, Yvonne Wavinya, Elizabeth Wanyama, Judith Tarus.Coach: David Lung'ahoAssistant coach: Josp Baraza