

adj, hempier or hempiest
of or resembling hemp
n, pl hempies
a mischievous person; rogue
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Making our own falafel, served in an authentic Lebanese wrap with spicy harissa sauce, hempy street salad, tahini yoghurt and fresh salad leaves.
In acknowledging the award, Pacific Continental's Portland Market president Dan Hempy said, "It's an honor to be recognized by the SBA as a Lending All-Star in the Portland Market.
Sara shook a thick mass of hair, twenty shades of blonde all tangled into one hempy column, out of the neck of her sweater.
Hempy, Tory: 20, on a warrant for two counts of identity theft and second-degree theft.
Last September the issue reared its hempy head once again, this time on "We the People," the much-touted petition site launched by the White House.
"Hempy" wound up in front of me in the TSA line, too.
After Hempy gave us a platform, I did my best to carry it on and I also thought youngsters Ben Wright and Tom Maynard contributed significantly to our victory charge.
"I am hoping Hempy has got some satisfaction from this victory and we have provided him with some momentum when he comes back," said Dalrymple.
These companies include Patagonia, Gaiam, Maggie's Organics, Mountain Equipment Co-op, Hempy's, Globalwear, and over a hundred others.
The sweets - called Cannabis Bon Bons and Hempy Gums - are made in Germany and Switzerland.