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a German greeting of respect
to greet (a person) by saying "heil!"
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
BOXING CLEVER Little Conor Jr looks just as sharp as dad after visit from tailor David August Heil
Heil is to be based in San Francisco and would be responsible for the distribution and account management of the Premier Accounts segments in the Western United States.
"She said: 'Hey Mummy, please help us, there are eight strange men who have been let on to a school bus and they are screaming 'Heil Hitler!
"I'm not going to be censored by her so I said, 'Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!' because it's a Nazi mentality by these people," Howson added.
Upon closure, Randall Swift was appointed chief executive of Heil Trailer.
"It's just a figure of speech...it does mean Heil Hitler, it was a joke, a bit of sarcasm," he said.
"Going wireless with your computer network is definitely the wave of the future, and all small businesses will go wireless eventually."--Eric Heil
On the collection side, The Heil Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., is one of several customized vehicle makers offering products it feels can help solid waste and recycling contractors keep labor costs in check.
Toronto--Joanne McGarry, executive director of the Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL), has objected to a website featuring an animated cartoon showing the new Pope giving a statue of the Virgin Mary a Nazi salute and muttering, "Heil Mary" in a German accent.
Like the guy this week who reckoned he heard the words 'Sieg Heil' being chanted during a football match at Millwall.
This organization adds to the concision and clarity of the book and works well with Heil's attempt to present ideas in an unpretentious manner.
Emblazoned on the bottles are the words Sieg Heil and Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer (one people, one nation, one leader).