

Slang for a hedge fund.
Copyright © 2012, Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved.


Informal for hedge fund.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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The first is a New York Post article with the headline, "Warren Buffett wins $1m bet made with hedgie a decade ago".
"The Turnip " is a rollicking, cumulative tale about a badger family and their friends Hedgie, Mr.
"Then Papillon caught us up again, but at Evans Head we cleared out and started to find our legs," added the yachtsman, who paid tribute to his crew, in particular Glen 'Hedgie' Cooper, his navigator, "who is very methodical.
They think the euro is a dispensable experiment, a technical construct or a hedgie's plaything, when it is the solemn gage of German commitment to a united Europe - a project that, like most great undertakings, comes at a price.
By the time he's 21, he'll want to be a hedgie or a helicopter pilot anyway.
Splitting the simpler market-making business from the complex "hedgie" part would reduce the balance sheet risks of the former and, more importantly, reduce the information asymmetry between the market-making business and outsiders (as it is the hedge fund part of the complex financial firms that is the primary source of information asymmetry).
Greeting the children were such book characters as Curious George, Froggy, Franklin, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Wild Thing and Hedgie the Hedgehog
Another great feature is the Hedgie's Book a Matic, which asks the users a few questions and then provides book suggestions from Brett's works.
THE TIMES HEDGIE TO PAY RECORD PS250 A SQ FT RENT IN MAYFAIR A 37-year-old hedge fund boss has broken the record for the highest office rent in the UK after agreeing to pay PS250 a square foot for his company Steadview Capital's new headquarters in Mayfair, central London.
Down the end of the cell block, past the short-selling hedgie sucking on the bones of human misery - all legal, ladies and gentlemen - catch of glimpse of Mad Madoff of Ponzi rattling his chains with only eternal damnation and a 150-year jail sentence to look forward to.
The book, "Hedgie's Surprise," was another best-seller, and led her to a passion she enjoys year-round.