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(Historical Terms) obsolete Brit a parish officer in charge of enclosures and fences
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈheɪ wərd)

a city in central California, SE of Oakland. 121,631.
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References in classic literature ?
Philip had spent three months in Heidelberg when one morning the Frau Professor told him that an Englishman named Hayward was coming to stay in the house, and the same evening at supper he saw a new face.
Hayward sought his acquaintance; but Philip had an unfortunate trait: from shyness or from some atavistic inheritance of the cave-dweller, he always disliked people on first acquaintance; and it was not till he became used to them that he got over his first impression.
Philip was a good listener; though he often thought of clever things to say, it was seldom till after the opportunity to say them had passed; but Hayward was communicative; anyone more experienced than Philip might have thought he liked to hear himself talk.
Hayward talked of Richard Feverel and Madame Bovary, of Verlaine, Dante, and Matthew Arnold.
They made a practice of walking together every afternoon, and Philip learned presently something of Hayward's circumstances.
The car ran as far as Hayward's, but at Saxon's suggestion they got off at San Leandro.
Hayward, CA, August 23, 2019 --(PR.com)-- American Legion Post-68 Hayward will celebrate 100 years of serving veterans and the community on September 26, with a family-friendly festival to be held on Saturday, September 28, 2019 to commemorate the anniversary.
Gordon Hayward continues to perform well following a horrific leg injury that spoiled his debut with the Boston Celtics in 2017.
Jeff Hayward, 52, had been diagnosed with a painful bacterial skin infection in 2016, which meant he struggled to walk even 50 metres and was forced to leave his job as a warehouse worker.
Celtics' Heyward: Rehab was most difficult thing I've done' !-- -- Jimmy Golen (philstar.com) - September 14, 2018 - 10:00am BOSTON The Celtics were in sunny Los Angeles, it was another sub-zero winter day back in Boston, and Gordon Hayward was stuck in rehab, shooting baskets from a chair and picking up marbles with his toes to work his surgically repaired ankle back into shape.
As the refurbished Hayward Gallery reopens, its director talks to Fatema Ahmed about what the brutalist building offers artists--and audiences --who are willing to venture beyond the white cube
Most basketball fans still have the sight of Gordon Hayward's gruesome leg injury etched in their minds, but luckily the former Butler star is now on his long path to recovery.