
Also found in: Medical, Encyclopedia.


a.1.Hooked; hooklike; hamate; as, the hamular process of the sphenoid bone.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The symptoms of pterygoid hamulus bursitis cited by Shankland are multifaceted; pain in the hamular region, palatal pain, earache, odynophagia, maxillary pain, dysphagia, and localized erythema [5].
Therefore, they have been traditionally considered to be a useful guide in locating the vibrating line, which in itself is an imaginary line running across the soft palate from one hamular notch to the other.3 Both vibrating line and foveae palatinae are used to clinically establish the posterior extent of the maxillary complete dentures.4
3H), and a squamosal root posteriorly linked with the hamular process of the squamosal by a continuous ridge (Fig.
(9-13) Milch (14) classified hamate fractures into 2 groups, the first involving the body of the bone and the second involving the hamular process or the hook of the hamate.
Ideally, there should be no interference of the teeth, the hamular notch or the retromolar pad into the distalloop of the tray.
La fenestra subescamosa es mas pequena que el foramen postglenoides, cerrado o abierto en la parte posterior con un proceso hamular ligeramente grueso.
Soft palate / Throat Morphology (House 1958): Class III###rection with some vertical inclination in the hamular
Hamular bursitis is a rare condition, which generates pain in soft palate and oropharynx on swallowing.
Los arcos cigomaticos revelan jugales grandes y, en el escamoso, el proceso hamular es tan masivo que oblitera la fenestra subescamosal y casi tambien hace lo propio con el foramen postglenoideo (Fig.
The Hamulaar notch Incisive Plane (HIP Plane) reported in the literature runs from the Hamular Notch to the incisive papilla and is reliable in establishing the occlusal plane.
3) robustez del proceso hamular del escamoso: a) hamular angosto, proyectado anteriormente no cubre el foramen postglenoideo; o b) hamular grueso, proyectado anteriormente es igual o mayor que el foramen postglenoideo;