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 (gī′nĭ-koid′, jĭn′ĭ-)
Characteristic of a woman.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈgaɪ nɪˌkɔɪd, ˈdʒɪn ɪ-)

of or like a woman.
[1905–10; < Greek gynaik-, s. of gynḗ woman + -oid]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Flexion and internal rotation of the fetal head in a mother with a gynecoid pelvis results in most fetuses assuming an occiput anterior (OA) position with the presenting diameter of the head (occipitobregmatic) being optimal for spontaneous vaginal delivery.
There were sparse axillary and public hair with ambiguous genitalia, absent scrotum, incompletely developed penile urethra, partially developed bilateral labia and gynecoid pelvis.
RJoiningC beyond the wing apex; Rsclosertotheend of [R.sub.1] than to the arculus; palpi 3- or 4-segmented; antennae with binodal or gynecoid flagellomeres, and 3 separate circumfila (in male) or interconnected circumfila (in female); tarsal claws curved near basal third, toothed; ovipositor short, barely protrusible and female cerci separate (Maia et al.
The general assumption about this view results from the fact that women have wider gynecoid pelvis (Krivickas,1997; Mellion,1996).
The change in gynecoid to android fat distribution (Raskin, Pinto-Neto, Paiva, Raskin, & Martinez, 2000; Tremollieres, Pouilles, & Ribot, 1996) can cause excessive accumulation of visceral adipose tissue and trigger chronic inflammation (Abu-Taha et al., 2009; Pfeilschifter, Koditz, Pfohl, & Schatz, 2002).
After the full body scan, the software provided estimates on fat mass, bone mass and lean mass in the entire body and in specific areas (torso, gynecoid, android, and upper and lower limbs).
All patients were female and had a wide hip structure with a gynecoid pelvis.
The importance of waist and hip measurements, and the waist to hip ratio lies in the apparently different physical and metabolic characteristics of these two regions, and therefore the diverse clinical outcomes in individuals with a gynecoid (low waist to hip ratio, lower body obesity) or android (high waist to hip ratio, upper body obesity) body conformation.