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A stylized octagonal motif in Oriental rugs.

[Persian, rose; see julep.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ɡuːl; ɡʊl)
(Furniture) a geometric, usually octagonal, design used in Turkoman carpets
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Shout Gul Sher Khan yonder to drive in that bay stallion's pickets more firmly.
Soon after the incident, Tehsil Nazim Dargai Abdur Rashid Bhutto, Naib Nazim Haji Azam Khan Jarray, brother of MPA Pir Musawar Khan, Muhammad Islam, JI former District Ameer Mualana Jamal Uddin, Nazim Union Council Kot Haji Fazali Rabi, ANP District Secretary Information Sajid Hussain Maswani, former Nazim Kot Fayyaz Gul rushed to the site and took the children to the District Headquarter Hospital Dargai for medical treatment.
The resolution - tabled by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz's Azma Bukhari - demands action against the state minister under Article-62, and stresses that Zartaj Gul should be disqualified as she is not fit for the job.
PML-N MPA Hina Pervez Butt filed the reference, requesting the commission to disqualify Zartaj Gul as a member of parliament under Articles 62 and 63 of the Constitution.
Gul claimed that the letter issued to The National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) was merely a notification and was not written to influence the institute.
The First Information Report (FIR) registered by the police states that Gul Nazar and Gul Shahzada had killed Mohammad Waqar on Saturday over suspicions of him having relations with Kohistani's second wife.
Gul Ahmed is a composite textile unit and making everything from cotton yarn to finished products.
'Haji Muhammad Gul had travelled to Peshawar almost five decades ago from the Essa Khel area of Mohmand,' said a relative of Gul.
Gul is hopeful that one day he will be back in the national squad
Peshawar High Court Justice Mussarat Hilali of the tribunal observed that the returning officer had validly accepted nomination papers of the respondent Maulana Gul Naseeb.
Four sisters including Maryam, Taslim, Nasrin, Warisha and a brother Mudasir son of Hamesh Gul and Shabir son of Yawar were burnt to death while Bacha Hilal wife of Hamesh Gul and Yasir son Hamesh Gul got injured.
Believing in quality Gul Ahmed has already chosen Benninger in 2009 for the first time and acquired an original Benninger-Kusters DyePad for their dyeing department.