

(Animals) any of several small birds of the family Coerebidae, which are found in tropical areas of North and South America
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Also in the Top 10 are Melyn Joy Canomay - UM Digos (second spot, 92.60), Arnie Boy Guitguit - UM Davao (fourth spot, 92.20), Ellen Mae Gonato - UM Digos (fifth spot, 92.00), Nessie Bem Bersabe - UM Digos, Shawn CJ Colman - UM Davao, and Joseph Roi Makiling - UM Davao (sixth spot, 91.80), Jeramie Corsonado - UM Davao and Nahur Hasan - UM Digos (seventh spot, 91.60), Clement John Cordova - UM Panabo, Diane Fe Galan - UM Davao, and Mhel Karyl Wabingga - UM Davao (eighth spot, 91.40), Abbie Hazel Suganan - UM Davao and Tom Paulie Tongol - UM Tagum (ninth spot, 91.20), and Ma.
Whether you call them repeaters, double-ups, reduplications, or technically, tautonyms, words like FROUFROU, HINAHINA and GUITGUIT are fascinating.