

(Law) formal a person with a grievance, esp one who has submitted this grievance for a legal hearing
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈgri vənt)

a person who submits a complaint for arbitration.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
In other words, "the grievant need not lay out the facts, articulate legal theories, or demand particular relief." (338) Instead, "[a]ll the grievance need do is object intelligibly to some asserted shortcoming." (339) As the Supreme Court reiterated in Jones v.
(6) The grievant in United Paperworkers International Union, AFL-CIO v.
reducing the period in whichgrievances can be filed from 10 years to six years from when a grievant knew or reasonably should have known of lawyer misconduct;
So, I have no grievant from the future,' said Indian poet Javed Akhtar.
Scott Odorisi, which vacated part of an arbitration award and upheld the termination of a worker.<br />"The arbitrator determined that the grievant should be reinstated with back pay and benefits.
On the other hand, a cynic may suggest that the presence of peers in a tribunal in which management holds majority control is merely a psychological gimmick intended to lull the grievant into a false sense of security.
If there is a way for them to be harmonized and read together, they will both be accommodated," she said.<br />Iafrate said she thought the case was "wrongly decided" because there was a way to accommodate both the collective bargaining agreement's just cause provision and the statutory waiver requirement.<br />"The way to accommodate would have been to reinstate [the officer] even if it was in some sort of modified status in order to give him the opportunity to revive the waiver application," she said.<br />Probationary period<br />In July 2013, the grievant, Michael Crenshaw, applied for a position as a campus police officer at the Community College of Rhode Island.
Published at 501 Mich 1232 (2017).<br />Whether to adopt the proposed amendment of MCR 9.122 to establish a 56-day time period in which a grievant may file a complaint in the Supreme Court after the Attorney Grievance Commission has dismissed a request for investigation.<br />9.
This could include helping to develop requests for information, interviewing witnesses, or simply documenting the grievant's account of what happened.
Grievant companies accused Ipsos of misleading public opinion by manipulating viewership rates and demanded that the authorities transfer the complaint to the public prosecution.
He paid tribute to the decision of the ruler to preserve security and stability, defend the nation, deter the grievant, and stem justice on the earth.
Addressing prayers at Al-Taseel Mosque in Medani, capital of Gezira State, Friday, President Al-Bashir affirmed that State's resolve to heighten values of solidarity and support of grievant so as to reach a community which stick to values of Holy Quran.