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(Animals) a seagull
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A BULL finding a lion's cub asleep gored him to death with his horns.
"Oh," said John Harned, "then is the horse there to be gored? That must be why it is blindfolded, so that it shall not see the bull coming to gore it."
Then the bull charged it and gored it again and again until it was dead.
They tore at each others' eyes and ears with their hands and with their gleaming tusks repeatedly slashed and gored until both were cut fairly to ribbons from head to foot.
But, at last, when turning to the eastward, the Cape winds began howling around us, and we rose and fell upon the long, troubled seas that are there; when the ivory-tusked Pequod sharply bowed to the blast, and gored the dark waves in her madness, till, like showers of silver chips, the foam-flakes flew over her bulwarks; then all this desolate vacuity of life went away, but gave place to sights more dismal than before.
There loomed the dogging memory of the tattered soldier--he who, gored by bullets and faint for blood, had fretted concerning an imagined wound in another; he who had loaned his last of strength and intellect for the tall soldier; he who, blind with weariness and pain, had been deserted in the field.
The first lion met Buto's charge and was tossed high over the back of the maddened brute, torn and dying, and then the six remaining lions were upon the rhinoceros, rending and tearing the while they were being gored or trampled.
Gor thrashed Aigle Noir 5-1 on aggregate while USM were 5-2 victors over two legs against their opponents from Niger.
The others are expected in the country on Thursday morning," Gor Mahia CEO Lordvick Aduda told Nation Sport on phone.
Following the incident, Aiport and GOR police locked horns over jurisdiction matter.
The Uzbekistan Railways JSC will transfer 45 percent of shares in the authorized capital of Uzbekugol JSC to the Russian Progress Gor Tech company for the period of three years, the decree says.
Accompanied by Additional Secretary Archaeology, Tourism, Sports, Youth Affairs, Anwar Naeem Sadozai, Secretary Planning and Development (P and D), Zafar Ali Shah, Secretary Archaeology, Tourism, Sports, youth Affairs, Dr Aftab Durrani, and other high officials, Dr Hammad Agha visited the Gor Khatree Archaeological Complex and inspected the ongoing restoration and conservation work on the historic Gor Khatree, a fortified square compound, located in highest point of walled city.