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n, pl -men
1. (Ceramics) a man whose work is making or selling glassware
2. (Building) a less common word for glazier
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"Who knows what kind of condition that person (one held for seven years) would be in," Glassman said, explaining why authorities put an adult man in a children's hospital.
The two Republicans in the race, incumbent Commissioner Justin Olson and newcomer Rodney Glassman,are leading over Democrats Sandra Kennedy and Kiana Sears, but just barely.
But Glassman's not out of the woods yet," he told ( Digital Spy.
Glassman analyzes a period in the Cold War, roughly 1960-75 when the US war effort in Vietnam was at its peak, in order to interrogate the effects of the war and US military spending on processes and patterns of industrial growth in East and Southeast Asia.
Russell ruled Tuesday the plaintiffs sufficiently "described communications and commands" to halt permits from the delegates to Harford County officials, including conversations with and letters to County Executive Barry Glassman.
Hodges' attorney, Richard Glassman of Glassman Wyatt Tuttle & Cox of Memphis, denied that Hodges did anything wrong.
The show, created by Timberlake and Andrew Glassman, will pit contestants against a 40-foot wheel that will hold exciting cash prizes.
M2 EQUITYBITES-May 15, 2018-XP Power Acquires US Power Supply Maker Glassman High Voltage for USD 44.5m
CSX announced the appointment of Angela Williams as vice president and controller as successor to Andrew Glassman, who has provided notice that he will be leaving the Company to pursue other opportunities.
Paul Glassman, the director of Pacific Center for Special Care, a program of the university's dentistry, established dental care in various high-needs schools in 2010.
Deeply spiritual, educated in many spiritual traditions, and immersed in all that was new and alive in '70s culture, Hixon had hoped to open, with Bernie Glassman, an interfaith center, the House of One People, and serve as its spiritual director; his death from cancer forestalled these plans.