
Also found in: Medical.


(Anatomy) a small gland
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References in periodicals archive ?
Stefani, Phytochemical study and chemotaxonomic investigation of species of Dimerostemma genus (Asteraceae, Heliantheae) and the use of microsampling of glandule trichomes, Sciences and Letters, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2002.
Glandule filled with oil and less numerous dark dots containing red dye, hypericin are on leaves.
Each oyster gonad was ascribed to 1 of the 5 maturation degrees established and described as follows: NO, empty gonad; EA, early gonad activity, white ramifications in the gonad; BF, gonad begins to fill, digestive glandule perfectly seen; PD, gonad poorly developed, digestive glandule partially seen; D, gonad developed, perfectly covers digestive gland; and TD, gonad totally developed, stands voluminously.
Etude en culture organotypique du role endocrine de la glandule optique dans la maturation ovarienne chez Sepia officinalis L.