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Variant of djellaba.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


or djel•la•ba

(dʒəˈlɑ bə)

n., pl. -bahs or -bas.
a loose-fitting hooded gown or robe worn by men in North Africa.
[1915–20; < Arabic jallabah]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
"I remember the face, voice and special attire of that elderly man who used to wear a Kandura or Galabia and carry a small drum and stick in his hand.
In addition "Galabia"s - a ornate abaya - which she modeled and announced availability.
Caught in this duality, they appeared to exclaim, like Abdallah al-Yahudi, the beggar of Tatwig Street in Alexandria: 'See my galabia, I am Egyptian!
I lifted my galabia and didn't find anything there except for something ...
The last rays of the sun danced off the polished wood of the Gazelle and, from its deck, a man in an immaculate white galabia motioned me aboard.
WELL-DESIGNED and colourful Egyptian jalabiyya are on display at a pavilion called Abodonia Galabia at the ongoing World Trade Festival taking place in Al Wb-Mhairjah area.
my doppelganger stands in a striped galabia, feet planted on the earth
traditional Arab gown (a galabia) and a traditional Arab hat, and in his
Finally something happy has happened to us," said Amm Mohamed Sayyed, dressed in a galabia, speaking for all Arabs.
She is sitting in one of the house's sun-drenched bedrooms, light pouring through narrow high windows, her traditional galabia gathered around her and hair tucked neatly under a white headscarf.
Nearly all the passengers, Britons from 18 to 70, took part in the themed evenings such as the galabia party and treasure hunt.
Page 3, usually devoted to female semi-nudity, showed Saddam wearing a white Arab galabia robe as he did laundry by hand.