

1. (Cookery) (of food) able to be fried
2. an archaic word for friable
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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JEREMY: There's been an amyloid bleed Subject to leaks and breakage Vessels become brittle Protein buildup on vessels ALLEN (Simultaneous with above): They call it an amyloid bleed Vessels become brittle Makes them fryable There's some breakage THE SON (Simultaneous with above): You had an amyloid bleed?
The fryable Apple and Lemon Pie Bite varieties are wrapped in a flaky pastry crust and can be consumed as is, or enhanced by various toppings or finishes.
Fryable Apple Pie Bites and Lemon Pie Bites are wrapped in a flaky pastry crust that are delicious on their own or enhanced by various toppings or finishes.
These freeze-thaw stable ingredients are both microwaveable and fryable, and provide a saucy mouthfeel to stuffed meat products, pocket sandwiches and extruded fillings.
Boudreau also recommends the use of pink or white premium aluminum oxides for sanding wood because they are sharper and more "fryable" abrasives, meaning they resharpen themselves.
Olestra's market launch resulted in a sudden surge in demand which began to subside at the close of the decade, and demand for the fryable fat replacer is expected to be less volatile by 2004.
On the heels of Monster Wings[TM], the largest chicken wing on the market, and the next big thing in wings[TM], Pierce Chicken[R] has taken innovation even further with a unique Fryable, Buffalo Style Glazed Monster Wing variety.
The fryable Apple Bites can be enhanced with cinnamon sugar, icing or other toppings.
Salty snack foods, confections and bakery products represent the fastest growing markets for the sugar and fat substitutes industry overall, based on the development of new heat stable artificial sweeteners (acesulfame-K and sucralose) and a fryable fat replacer (olestra).
The company now has 41 ovenable flavors, 7 fryable seasonings and 12 sauce systems (on the shelf) market tested.