

(Textiles) obsolete a person who gives a bur to the nap of a cloth
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He went to the tavern to meet his friend Ingram Frizer, a businessman.
It is to note that two of the witnesses presented their testimonies yesterday in addition to the testimony of the Australian investigator Robin Frizer, who was also considered a witness.
Quando e menor, loterica, salao de beleza, a gente nao pode colocar um geladeira igual que tem no supermercado, a gente colocou o que a gente chama de [nome], e uma geladeirinha que e metade do frizer da [marca de sorvete], aquela geladeirinha pequeninha, porque a quantidade que eles vao vender nao vai ser grande, e se somar todas as lotericas da cidade, somar todos os saloes de beleza, todas as lojas, tem lojas de roupas que tem nossas geladeiras.
* 'M sure Death's fell sergeant - in the shape of Poley or Frizer, or is it Frizer or Poley - will be strict in his arrest...
Vince (Vince 2005) da takva uporaba glagola sasvim normalno moze zamjenjivati i singularnog agensa: Bas su je lijepo osisali moze se reci, iako se zna da je frizer samo jedan.
When Marlowe was murdered in a "tavern brawl," supposedly in a dispute over the bar bill, his murderer, Ingram Frizer, was pardoned only weeks later.
Why was he in Deptford with 'friends' like Ingram Frizer (an agent of Marlowe's patron Thomas Walsingham), Nicholas Skeres (a professional conman, implicated in the Babington plot of 1586), and Robert Poley (another player in the Babington plot and an informer of the chief Elizabethan spymaster, Sir Francis Walsingham)?
For those who have missed the point, 'The shape of English literature would have been very different had not Marlowe succumbed to Frizer's dagger in Deptford at the age of 29'.
So had Thomas Walsingham, the patron of Marlowe and his killer, Ingrain Frizer. Poley, a longtime intelligence operative, had at times impersonated a Catholic in order to turn informer.