

for what reason; why
(subordinating) because
[Old English for hwī]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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[1] ...] lufes noght with herct fre> ...] her wham he may se ...] suld he lufe in hert right <..>d of wham he has na syght Charite yat es right tane Makes ye hert and god allane [2] And ye foure yat after lys Makes a man here rightwys Forwhy all ye halynes of a man Als yise clerkis schewe vs can Yat es made right lyke to be [3] <.>o oure fader oure maste yernyng Yat we suld in hert haue ay Whiles we wone here nyght and day Yat es schortly to say yus Yat his name be halowed in vs [4] Bot in trayste of yam yat fay[...
"The BBC must also account forwhy it spends much more money per hour than its commercial rivals on breakfast and drive time shows," he said.
I know Friday nights in town are frantic at this time of year but surely the policeman should have considered the reason my friend gave him forwhy she was there and not just left her partner stranded as he did on this occasion.
As forwhy there had been so many upsets, he added: "When you are a lower league club and you come up against one of the big teams, you know you have nothing to lose.
So Walter's first line is simply 'Rusticus urbanum Murem Mus suscipit aede' ('a country mouse took a town mouse into its home'), (8) and while the provision of food is expanded on over the next five lines, no explanation forwhy the country mouse opened his home to the town mouse is forthcoming, although we may note that by line 6 they are companions (socius) and friends (amicus amico) in line 7.