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 (foin) Archaic
intr.v. foined, foin·ing, foins
To thrust with a pointed weapon.
A thrust with a pointed weapon.

[Middle English foinen, from foin, a thrust, from Old French foine, pitchfork, from Latin fuscina, three-pronged fish spear.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a thrust or lunge with a weapon
to thrust with a weapon
[C14: probably from Old French foine, from Latin fuscina trident]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


1. a thrust with a weapon.
2. to thrust with a weapon; lunge.
[1325–75; Middle English (v.), appar. < Old French foine fish spear < Latin fuscina]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


- To make a thrust or lunge with a pointed weapon.
See also related terms for thrust.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: foined
Gerund: foining

I foin
you foin
he/she/it foins
we foin
you foin
they foin
I foined
you foined
he/she/it foined
we foined
you foined
they foined
Present Continuous
I am foining
you are foining
he/she/it is foining
we are foining
you are foining
they are foining
Present Perfect
I have foined
you have foined
he/she/it has foined
we have foined
you have foined
they have foined
Past Continuous
I was foining
you were foining
he/she/it was foining
we were foining
you were foining
they were foining
Past Perfect
I had foined
you had foined
he/she/it had foined
we had foined
you had foined
they had foined
I will foin
you will foin
he/she/it will foin
we will foin
you will foin
they will foin
Future Perfect
I will have foined
you will have foined
he/she/it will have foined
we will have foined
you will have foined
they will have foined
Future Continuous
I will be foining
you will be foining
he/she/it will be foining
we will be foining
you will be foining
they will be foining
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been foining
you have been foining
he/she/it has been foining
we have been foining
you have been foining
they have been foining
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been foining
you will have been foining
he/she/it will have been foining
we will have been foining
you will have been foining
they will have been foining
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been foining
you had been foining
he/she/it had been foining
we had been foining
you had been foining
they had been foining
I would foin
you would foin
he/she/it would foin
we would foin
you would foin
they would foin
Past Conditional
I would have foined
you would have foined
he/she/it would have foined
we would have foined
you would have foined
they would have foined
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
References in classic literature ?
And then King Arthur smote Sir Mordred under the shield, with a foin of his spear throughout the body more than a fathom.
Le president de l'ANOC explique que malgre une annee difficile marquee par la hausse de plus de 20 a 30% des prix des aliments du betail (foin et l'orge), les prix de vente n'ont pas connu de hausse particuliere par rapport a l'annee derniere.
Odeurs nauseabonds, clotures improvisees, bottes de foin eparpillees par ci par la font partie du decor un mois avant l'Aid, a Alger et ailleurs.
For his first album, he was accompanoed by pianist-composer Mireille whose song Couches dans le Foin became a success.
He also denied possessing ammunition for military use which consists in or incorporates a missile designed to penetrate foin i tr armour plating, armour screening or body armour, namely six cartridges with black tipped full metal jacketed bullets.
Lanzini thought he ortunes cleverly under steer a had revived the Hammers' foin the 54th minute when he nudged Joe Gomez from Ayew's right-wing cross to finish into the corner.
Anchorage Marriott Downtown: foin us as we celebrate Alaska's Top 49ers, Alaskan-owned companies ranked by revenue.
where [Z.sub.mnpq] are the sound radiation impedance terms defined by (34) and can be computed using the integral transform techniques described by Foin et al.
However, on the contrary, in another in vitro study, Foin et al .[sup][20] compared the results of different double stenting strategies and found that the crush technique resulted in a higher risk of malapposition and a more disturbed flow than either the culotte or T with protrusion stenting technique.
At the Christmas Prime Cow Show the judge Mr D Foley, Mirlaw House awarded the championship to M/s Ross Farms & Co Ltd, Wester Middleton weighing 814kg and realising 160p per kg (PS1302) to I Ford, Saint Foin. The reserve champion from M/s G & A Hamilton, Ramrig made 150p per kg (PS1275).