

(Plants) the male plant of the hemp, which matures before the female plant
[C15: from Middle Dutch femeel, from Old French chanvre femelle female hemp, from chanvre hemp + femelle female]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Set in the magical Fimble Valley, the Fimbles encourage children to join them on their journeys of discovery where imagination is limitless.
FOR the first time ever, the Fimbles are appearing live on stage and are inviting everyone to Fimble Valley for a party full of excitement and wonder!
Available on both DVD and video, Roly Mo and Friends is the perfect introduction to Roly Mo's own corner of Fimble Valley and to his very special group of friends.
She was treated to a car to sit in, a baby's CD player, clothes, a Fimble toy and money.
By this time, Cal was wearing a rosebud pink bra on his head with the cups over his ears shouting 'Look mummy, I'm a Fimble'.
Set in the magical Fimble Valley, the show features Fimbo, Florrie, Baby Pom and friends.
She loves a talking Fimble she got for Christmas, music - which she responds to by flapping her arms - and she also took a real liking to our Christmas tree, which we waited until the very last day to take down," added Emma, who is pictured with her daughter and Ellie Claire's aunty Joanne, who is 11.
The intensity of expression on the little lad's face is positively Eastwoodesque as he rocks back and forth with his eyes fixed on distant cattle herds...or is it his toy Fimble? All he needs is a cowboy hat, a poncho and a cigar to complete the picture.
I told her a big Fimble with some special powers lived the re.
The BBC was responding to a plea by Brogan's grandmother for help to find a life-sized version of her favourite Fimble, Baby Pom.