FEMESFar Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society
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Marriage, as virtually every sentimental writer notes, makes a woman vulnerable to physical and mental abuse, and, legally speaking, she becomes a feme covert, literally a hidden woman whose husband takes her property, her name, her very self.
Not only does the woman become a feme covert, she often becomes pregnant shortly after uttering those words.
De todas las vegas que hemos examinado decidimos muestrear la existente en el Valle de Femes (Fig.
De los sitios estudiados este estrato es muy potente en el Valle de Femes mientras que esta ausente en Buenavista.
"Kex me dist bien en son sermon Que femes estoient itels." De ce li menbre que dist Kex, Que, par la soie qu'il amot, Dist a la cort le vilain mot: "Honies fuissent eles totes!" "Kex, tu as droit si tu en doutes, Totes les maudesis par non, Et je dis bien, ce soient mon.
European women became femes covert at marriage, were "covered over" by their husbands, and in general lost their rights to own property, keep wages, make contracts, and have credit in their own names.
"Publicly operated femes (other than AMHS) are a key feature of the (new plan), and are viewed as partners in the transportation system, rather than competition," planners wrote.
Under both civil and common law, widows and females of majority could operate as femes sole, which permitted them to make contracts, buy and sell, and control enterprises.