

(Agriculture) the wife of a farmer
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Juanita worked as a Farmwife and a CNA for 30 years at St.
Let's just say that Jean's downhome farmwife exterior hides some dark impulses, some secrets wriggle out of the woodwork, and the stakes get higher.
She was known to most residents as a farmwife and home health nurse.
Meanwhile, cruel farmwife Mrs Tweedy (Miranda Richardson) realises she can increase profits by going into full-scale production of chicken pies rather than eggs, and the chickens know they're all going to be facing the chopping block if they don't get out soon.
Similarly, promotional materials distributed by the Chambers of Commerce in the Central Valley offered bucolic scenes that absented the valley's racialized labor system, such as a 1915 Tulare County pamphlet featuring a white farmwife leisurely knitting amid the vista of the family's citrus orchard.
She worked as a farmwife, tending to her husband and farm workers.
There has been such a change in the area in the past couple of generations that we want to make sure that future residents and historians will be able to have a more intimate grasp of what it meant to be a farmwife in the 1950s, a worker at Malcolm's Condensing in the 1970s, or a student in 2010."
She then fell in love with a staggeringly handsome farmer, and became a farmwife, who cut her coat to make an outfit for her baby.
"Rural Free: A Farmwife's Almanac of Country Living" is a memoir of country life, seeking to emphasize the values one gets from living on the farm and what it teaches people about the world around them.
There's also an eerie interlude with a psychotic farmwife singing of her hardships ("Teacher Girl") while dangerously waving a carving knife at our heroine.
Gwynedd farmwife Megan Lloyd Williams decided to set up the trip after she missed out on closer to home performances from the Welsh National Touring Company.