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a box with a slot at the top where money for the fare is placed, esp on a bus
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Rather operators need to make sure they generate sufficient income to cover costs, combining farebox revenue with innovative approaches to monetise the value of passenger travel time and usage data.
Mature Revenue Profile: The IDR could be moved upward based upon improvement in the revenue framework as it matures, including the addition of farebox revenues to the revenue profile.
The company has received the contract to integrate a next-generation farebox system for the Xpress commuter bus service with the back office for the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) Breeze Card.
Traditional electronic farebox equipment are still widely used to collect transit fares.
"Linked to this, whilst total Metro farebox is currently outperforming the 2015/16 level, it is below the budget established for this financial year.
"Linked to this, while total Metro farebox is currently outperforming the 2015/16 level, it is below the budget that was established for this financial year.
(2) Urban transit systems require direct subsidies from the fund to operate because farebox revenue (fares paid directly by transit users) does not typically cover operating costs, much less contribute to the substantial required capital costs.
"In addition, there's a special provision in the budget of the DOTC that allows the agency to use 'farebox revenue' and 'non-rail collections' in settling MRT's operating requirements and prior years' obligations," Recto said.
Singapore is only one of two countries where the farebox recovery ratio is more than 100% (43).
Cities, recognizing the value of mass transit, acquired the failing or bankrupt systems, but quickly found that revenue from the farebox would not support publicly owned transit systems.
The Thameslink franchise holder is already having to compete with the Midland mainline franchise holder for farebox revenue at Bedford, Luton and Luton Airport Parkway.