

(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) relating to or resembling a fable or fables, legendary
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Estes, por sua vez, nos distrairam e/ou nos provocaram a fabular possibilidades de resistencia, indignacao e mobilizacao.
Pois e sabido que pensar e fabular sao forcas que liberadas do pensamento representacional, do senso comum e da doxa, podem questionar e experimentar seus proprios limites e tracar intempestivas linhas de fuga, que ligam o que esta dentro com o que esta fora do triangulo.
Las cartas permiten fabular alternativas, pequenas utopias: una vida en comun en el campo con una bibliotequita y publicaciones francesas recibidas por correo o la escritura de dos novelas al estilo decadentista; permiten sobre todo construir un espacio imaginario integrado por una comunidad de amigos y, al mismo tiempo, ponen en escena aquello que en la America del fin de siglo se podia o era preciso exhibir y aquello que habia que callar porque no tenia lugar ni en la lengua de la intimidad ni en el discurso social.
It is also fabular fiction, Donnean seduction poetry, and the
"Edugyan is coming at her subject sideways, not with gritty realism but with fabular edges, and as much concerned with the nature of freedom as with slavery, both for her white characters and black.
In books from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland onwards, wormholes have given access to the fabular. Yet Hamid's doors unfasten not miracles, but a grinding reality experienced by the refugee who struggles to survive in the 'developed' country.
Daniel Fabular, a gift that he was likely to remember all his life.
Daniel Fabular received the medals from the President.