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something that is cast off, such as the exoskeleton of an animal
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Molecular identification of mosquito vectors using genomic DNA isolated from eggshells, larval and pupal exuvium. Tropical Biomedicine 27: 47-53.
Ingesting 20E caused decreased feeding in larvae, exosmosis of ecdysial fluid, failure of removal of the old head capsule or exuvium, morphogenesis into a deformed pupa, bulging of the hindgut, and supernumerary instars.
The figure is nude except for riding boots and an elephant exuvium (hide), with the animal's head worn as headdress and the hide of the pachyderm draped over the left arm.
Mbogho, water lettuce and other vegetation, L-1263 (UMC; 1 [male], 2 [female], 6 nymphs, 1 exuvium).
In unit 2, an exuvium and two individuals (one collected as a voucher) were found at ca.
Often the larvae will ingest and digest the old cuticle or exuvium, the components of which are also recycled.
A scorpion exuvium may include the booklung lamellae, preoral tube, and other internal features and there may be little distortion of delicate hairs, bristles, and setae (Gaban & Farley 2002).
Limb autotomy along with exuvium in freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium malcolmsonii.