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a plant with a stem that develops through new growth on its outsidea stage in hair growth in which the hair exits the follicle
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.exogen - flowering plant with two cotyledonsexogen - flowering plant with two cotyledons; the stem grows by deposit on its outside
angiosperm, flowering plant - plants having seeds in a closed ovary
class Dicotyledonae, class Dicotyledones, class Magnoliopsida, Dicotyledonae, Dicotyledones, Magnoliopsida - comprising seed plants that produce an embryo with paired cotyledons and net-veined leaves; divided into six (not always well distinguished) subclasses (or superorders): Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae (considered primitive); Caryophyllidae (an early and distinctive offshoot); and three more or less advanced groups: Dilleniidae; Rosidae; Asteridae
jiqui, Malpighia obovata - Cuban timber tree with hard wood very resistant to moisture
acerola, barbados cherry, Malpighia glabra, Surinam cherry, West Indian cherry - tropical American shrub bearing edible acid red fruit resembling cherries
cyrilla family, Cyrilliaceae, family Cyrilliaceae, titi family - shrubs and trees with leathery leaves and small white flowers in racemes: genera Cyrilla and Cliftonia
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
(71) investigated the impact of exogenous OPG on aortic valve calcification in hypercholesterolemic LDLr -/- Apob100/100 mice and found that exogen OPG attenuates osteogenic transformation of valve cells and bone-like matrix synthesis, indicating that the aortic valve function was protected by the OPG treatment (71).
Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound therapy (Exogen, Bioventus LLC) was commenced four months after presentation due to a lack of radiological evidence of bone healing (Figure 7).
Furthermore, it is known that in humans the inappropriate endogen secretion or exogen administration of cortisol may determine immunosuppression [12].
Variables Observed exogen. Variables [Defl.sub.j] M3 yj [FDI.sub.ij] [Defl.sub.j] [y.sub.i] [y.sub.j] [Op.sub.i] [Op.sub.j] [PA.sub.j], [LR.sub.j] Year Dummy Constant Cov([[epsilon].sub.1]-defl, [[epsilon].sub.2]-fdi) Equation [R.sup.2] Defl FDI Cronbach's alpha Defl, FDI 0.01 (Average interitem covariance: 5.5726) Structural equations (1b) SUR Observed endogen.
M2 PHARMA-March 17, 2017-Bioventus to Commission Clinical Research for Exogen Ultrasound Bone Healing System
fourth stage, exogen, was termed around 1998 and indicates active hair
Besides, exogen and kenogen are independent cycle phases found in human and mouse hair follicle.
The Solanum nigrum belongs to Solanaceae family [3] it is a little exogen herbaceous plant with the size of 10 to 60 cm in height [4].