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(ˈɛv ri)adj.
You use every in front of the singular form of a countable noun to show that you are referring to all the members of a group and not just some of them.
You can often use every or all with the same meaning. For example, 'Every student should attend' means the same as 'All students should attend'.
However, every is followed by the singular form of a noun, whereas all is followed by the plural form.
Instead of 'every' or 'all', you sometimes use each. You use each when you are thinking about the members of a group as individuals.
You usually use a singular pronoun such as he, she, him, or her to refer back to an expression beginning with every.
However, when you are referring back to an expression such as every student or every inhabitant which does not indicate a specific sex, you usually use they or them.
You use every to show that something happens at regular intervals.
Every and all do not have the same meaning when they are used with expressions of time. For example, if you do something every morning, you do it regularly each morning. If you do something all morning, you spend the whole of one morning doing it.
If something happens, for example, every other year or every second year, it happens one year, then does not happen the next year, then happens the year after that, and so on.
Adj. | 1. | every - (used of count nouns) each and all of the members of a group considered singly and without exception; "every person is mortal"; "every party is welcome"; "had every hope of success"; "every chance of winning" all - quantifier; used with either mass or count nouns to indicate the whole number or amount of or every one of a class; "we sat up all night"; "ate all the food"; "all men are mortal"; "all parties are welcome" |
2. | every - each and all of a series of entities or intervals as specified; "every third seat"; "every two hours" all - quantifier; used with either mass or count nouns to indicate the whole number or amount of or every one of a class; "we sat up all night"; "ate all the food"; "all men are mortal"; "all parties are welcome" |
[ˈevrɪ] ADJevery day → cada día
every three days; every third day → cada tres días
every few days → cada dos o tres días
every bit of the cake → la torta entera
every bit as clever as → tan or (LAm) igual de listo como ...
I have to account for every last penny → tengo que dar cuentas de cada penique que gasto
I enjoyed every minute of the party → disfruté cada minuto de la fiesta
every now and then, every now and again → de vez en cuando
every other or second month → un mes sí y otro no, cada dos meses
every other person has a car → de cada dos personas una tiene coche
he'd eaten every single chocolate → se había comido todos los bombones, se había comido hasta el último bombón
every single time → cada vez sin excepción
every so often → cada cierto tiempo, de vez en cuando
he brings me a present every time he comes → cada vez que viene me trae un regalo
this recipe gives you perfect results every time → esta receta siempre le dará resultados perfectos
(it's) every man for himself → ¡sálvese quien pueda!
every man Jack of them voted against → todos y cada uno de ellos votaron en contra
every little helps → un grano no hace granero pero ayuda al compañero, todo es ayuda
he was following my every move → me vigilaba constantemente
not every child is as fortunate as you → no todos los niños son tan afortunados como tú
every one of them passed the exam → todos ellos aprobaron el examen
he criticized her at every opportunity → no dejaba escapar oportunidad alguna para criticarla
he spends every penny he earns → gasta hasta el último centavo que gana
in every way → en todos los aspectos
his every wish → todos sus deseos
I mean every word I say → lo digo muy en serio
every parent will have experienced this at one time or another → todo padre se habrá encontrado con esto en algún momento
I gave you every assistance → te ayudé en todo lo que podía
she had every chance → se le dieron todas las posibilidades
I have every confidence in him → tengo entera or plena confianza en él
every effort is being made to trace him → se está haciendo todo lo posible para localizarlo
I have every reason to think that → tengo razones sobradas para pensar que ...
we wish you every success → te deseamos todo el éxito posible
(ˈevri) adjectivesee also their.
→ cada , todoevery
- The bus runs every twenty minutes → El autobús pasa cada veinte minutos
- Is the museum open every day? → ¿El museo está abierto todos los días?
- Every Saturday → todos los sábados