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a. Constituting each and all members of a group without exception.
b. Being all possible: had every chance of winning, but lost.
2. Being each of a specified succession of objects or intervals: every third seat; every two hours.
3. Being the highest degree or expression of: showed us every attention; had every hope of succeeding.
every bit Informal
In all ways; equally: He is every bit as mean as she is.
every now and then/again
From time to time; occasionally.
every once in a while
From time to time; occasionally.
every other
Each alternate: She went to visit her aunt every other week.
every so often
At intervals; occasionally.
every which way Informal
1. In every direction.
2. In complete disorder.

[Middle English everi, everich, from Old English ǣfre ǣlc : ǣfre, ever; see aiw- in Indo-European roots + ǣlc, each; see līk- in Indo-European roots.]
Usage Note: Every is representative of a group of English words and expressions that are singular in form but felt to be plural in sense. The class includes noun phrases introduced by every, any, and certain uses of some. These expressions invariably take a singular verb; we say Every car has (not have) been tested, Anyone is (not are) liable to fall ill, and Some pizza is left over from the party. But when a sentence contains a pronoun that refers to a previous noun phrase introduced by every, grammar and sense pull in different directions. The grammar of these expressions requires a singular pronoun, as in Every car must have its brakes tested, but the meaning often leads people to use the plural pronoun, as in Every car must have their brakes tested. The use of plural pronouns in such cases is common in speech, but it is still widely regarded as incorrect in writing. · The effort to adhere to the grammatical rule causes complications, however. The first is grammatical. When a pronoun refers to a phrase containing every or any that falls within a different independent clause, the pronoun cannot be singular. Thus it is not idiomatic to say Every man left; he took his raincoat with him. Nor is it grammatical to say No one could be seen, could he? If the plural forms seem wrong in these examples (Every man took their raincoat with them), one way around the problem is to rephrase the sentence so as to get the pronoun into the same clause (as in Every man left, taking his raincoat with him). Another is to substitute another word for every or any, usually by casting the entire sentence as plural, as in All the men left; they took their raincoats with them. · The second complication involves the issue of gender. When a phrase introduced by every or any refers to a group containing both men and women, what should the gender of the singular pronoun be? This matter is discussed in the Usage Notes at he and they. See Usage Notes at all, each, either, he1, neither, none, they.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. each one (of the class specified), without exception: every child knows it.
2. (not used with a negative) the greatest or best possible: every hope of success.
3. each: used before a noun phrase to indicate the recurrent, intermittent, or serial nature of a thing: every third day; every now and then; every so often.
4. every bit (used in comparisons with as) quite; just; equally: every bit as funny as the other show.
5. every other each alternate; every second: every other day.
6. every which way
a. in all directions; everywhere: I looked every which way for you.
b. US and Canadian from all sides: stones coming at me every which way.
[C15 everich, from Old English ǣfre ǣlc, from ǣfre ever + ǣlc each]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈɛv ri)

1. being one of a group or series taken collectively; each: We go there every day.
2. all possible; the greatest possible degree of: every prospect of success.
1. every now and then, on occasion; from time to time. Also, every once in a while, every so often.
2. every other, every second; every alternate: milk deliveries every other day.
3. every which way, in all directions; in disorganized fashion.
[1125–75; Old English ǣfre ǣlc ever each]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'every'

You use every in front of the singular form of a countable noun to show that you are referring to all the members of a group and not just some of them.

She spoke to every person at the party.
I agree with every word Peter says.
This new wealth can be seen in every village.
2. 'every' and 'all'

You can often use every or all with the same meaning. For example, 'Every student should attend' means the same as 'All students should attend'.

However, every is followed by the singular form of a noun, whereas all is followed by the plural form.

Every child is entitled to free education.
All children love to build and explore.
See all
3. 'each'

Instead of 'every' or 'all', you sometimes use each. You use each when you are thinking about the members of a group as individuals.

Each customer has the choice of thirty colours.
Each meal will be served in a different room.
See each
4. referring back to 'every'

You usually use a singular pronoun such as he, she, him, or her to refer back to an expression beginning with every.

Every businesswoman would have a secretary if she could.

However, when you are referring back to an expression such as every student or every inhabitant which does not indicate a specific sex, you usually use they or them.

Every employee knew exactly what their job was.
5. used with expressions of time

You use every to show that something happens at regular intervals.

They met every day.
Every Monday there is a staff meeting.

Every and all do not have the same meaning when they are used with expressions of time. For example, if you do something every morning, you do it regularly each morning. If you do something all morning, you spend the whole of one morning doing it.

He goes running every day.
I was busy all day.
6. 'every other'

If something happens, for example, every other year or every second year, it happens one year, then does not happen the next year, then happens the year after that, and so on.

We only save enough money to take a real vacation every other year.
It seemed easier to shave every second day.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.every - (used of count nouns) each and all of the members of a group considered singly and without exception; "every person is mortal"; "every party is welcome"; "had every hope of success"; "every chance of winning"
all - quantifier; used with either mass or count nouns to indicate the whole number or amount of or every one of a class; "we sat up all night"; "ate all the food"; "all men are mortal"; "all parties are welcome"
2.every - each and all of a series of entities or intervals as specified; "every third seat"; "every two hours"
all - quantifier; used with either mass or count nouns to indicate the whole number or amount of or every one of a class; "we sat up all night"; "ate all the food"; "all men are mortal"; "all parties are welcome"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


determiner each, each and every, every single I walk to work every day.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
كافَّة، كُلكُلكُلُّمَرَّةً كُل يَوْمَيْن
enhverhverhver enestealle
mind allminden
allur hugsanlegurannar hversérhversérhver, hver og einn
kada tikkaskasdieniškasretkarčiaistoks pat
herher türlüher...-de


[ˈevrɪ] ADJ
1. (= each) → cada inv
every daycada día
every three days; every third daycada tres días
every few dayscada dos o tres días
every bit of the cakela torta entera
every bit as clever astan or (LAm) igual de listo como ...
I have to account for every last pennytengo que dar cuentas de cada penique que gasto
I enjoyed every minute of the partydisfruté cada minuto de la fiesta
every now and then, every now and againde vez en cuando
every other or second monthun mes sí y otro no, cada dos meses
every other person has a carde cada dos personas una tiene coche
he'd eaten every single chocolatese había comido todos los bombones, se había comido hasta el último bombón
every single timecada vez sin excepción
every so oftencada cierto tiempo, de vez en cuando
he brings me a present every time he comescada vez que viene me trae un regalo
this recipe gives you perfect results every timeesta receta siempre le dará resultados perfectos
(it's) every man for himself¡sálvese quien pueda!
every man Jack of them voted againsttodos y cada uno de ellos votaron en contra
every little helpsun grano no hace granero pero ayuda al compañero, todo es ayuda
2. (= all)
he was following my every moveme vigilaba constantemente
not every child is as fortunate as youno todos los niños son tan afortunados como tú
every one of them passed the examtodos ellos aprobaron el examen
he criticized her at every opportunityno dejaba escapar oportunidad alguna para criticarla
he spends every penny he earnsgasta hasta el último centavo que gana
in every wayen todos los aspectos
his every wishtodos sus deseos
I mean every word I saylo digo muy en serio
3. (= any) → todo
every parent will have experienced this at one time or anothertodo padre se habrá encontrado con esto en algún momento
4. (= all possible)
I gave you every assistancete ayudé en todo lo que podía
she had every chancese le dieron todas las posibilidades
I have every confidence in himtengo entera or plena confianza en él
every effort is being made to trace himse está haciendo todo lo posible para localizarlo
I have every reason to think thattengo razones sobradas para pensar que ...
we wish you every successte deseamos todo el éxito posible
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈɛvri] adjchaque
every pupil → chaque élève
every time → chaque fois
Every time I see him he's depressed → Chaque fois que je le vois il est déprimé.
I have every confidence in him → J'ai entièrement or pleinement confiance en lui.
every day → tous les jours, chaque jour
every week → toutes les semaines
every other day, every second day → tous les deux jours
every third day → tous les trois jours
every other car → une voiture sur deux
one out of every twenty → un sur vingt
every now and then, every now and again, every once in a while, every so often → de temps en temps
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


jede(r, s); you must examine every oneSie müssen jeden (Einzelnen) untersuchen; every man for himselfjeder für sich; in every way (= in all respects)in jeder Hinsicht; (= by every means)mit allen Mitteln; he is every bit as clever as his brotherer ist ganz genauso schlau wie sein Bruder; every bit as muchganz genauso viel; every single timejedes einzelne Mal; every single time I …immer wenn ich …
(= all possible) I have every confidence in himich habe unbedingtes or uneingeschränktes Vertrauen zu ihm; I have/there is every hope that …ich habe allen Grund/es besteht aller Grund zu der Hoffnung, dass …; we wish you every success/happinesswir wünschen Ihnen alles (nur erdenklich) Gute/viel Glück und Zufriedenheit; there was every prospect of successes bestand alle Aussicht auf Erfolg; to make every effort to do somethingsich alle Mühe geben or sich sehr bemühen, etw zu tun
(indicating recurrence) every fifth day, every five daysjeden fünften Tag, alle fünf Tage; every other dayjeden zweiten Tag, alle zwei Tage; write on every other linebitte eine Zeile Zwischenraum lassen; write on every other pagebitte jede zweite Seite beschreiben; once every weekeinmal jede or pro Woche; one in every twenty peoplejeder zwanzigste Mensch; every so often, every once in a while, every now and then or againhin und wieder, ab und zu, gelegentlich
(after poss adj) they catered to his every whimsie erfüllten ihm jeden Wunsch; his every wordjedes seiner Worte, jedes Wort, das er sagte
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈɛvrɪ] adj (each) → ogni inv; (all) → tutti/e pl
every one of them → ognuno/a di loro
I gave you every assistance → ti ho dato tutta l'assistenza
I have every confidence in him → ho piena fiducia in lui
we wish you every success → ti auguriamo ogni successo
every day → ogni giorno, tutti i giorni
every other day → un giorno sì e uno no
every other car → una macchina su due
every second month → ogni due mesi
every three days, every third day → ogni tre giorni
every few days → ogni due o tre giorni
every so often, every now and then, every now and again → di tanto in tanto, di quando in quando, ogni tanto
every time that → ogni volta che
every single time → proprio tutte le volte
her every wish → ogni suo desiderio
I enjoyed every minute of the party → mi sono divertito moltissimo alla festa
every bit of the carpet → proprio tutto il tappeto
every bit as clever as → tanto intelligente quanto
in every way → sotto tutti i profili
every man for himself → ognuno per sé
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈevri) adjective
1. each one of or all (of a certain number). Every room is painted white; Not every family has a car.cada, todo
2. each (of an indefinite number or series). Every hour brought the two countries nearer war; He attends to her every need.cada
3. the most absolute or complete possible. We have every reason to believe that she will get better.todo
4. used to show repetition after certain intervals of time or space. I go to the supermarket every four or five days; Every second house in the row was bright pink; `Every other day' means èvery two days' or `on alternate days'.cada
ˈeverybody, ˈeveryone pronoun
every person. Everyone thinks I'm right.todos, todo el mundo
ˈeveryday adjective
1. happening, done used etc daily. her everyday duties.cotidiano, de todos los días
2. common or usual. an everyday event.habitual
ˈeverything pronoun
all things. Have you everything you want?todo
ˈeverywhere adverb
(in or to) every place. The flies are everywhere; Everywhere I go, he follows me. todas partes
every bit as
just as. You're every bit as clever as he is.tan, igual de
every now and then / every now and again / every so often
occasionally. We get a letter from him every now and then.de vez en cuando
every time
1. always; invariably. We use this method every time.cada vez
2. whenever. Every time he comes, we quarrel. cada vez que

everybody, ~everyone are singular: Everybody is (not are) tired / Everyone should buy his own ticket .
see also their.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


cada , todo
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. todo; cada;
___ day___-s los días;
___ once in a whilea veces, de vez en cuando;
___ other daydía por medio, cada dos días, un día sí y otro no;
___ timesiempre.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
Of every accomplishment accustomary to my sex, I was Mistress.
In my Mind, every Virtue that could adorn it was centered; it was the Rendez-vous of every good Quality and of every noble sentiment.
Every man is an inlet to the same and to all of the same.
Without hurry, without rest, the human spirit goes forth from the beginning to embody every faculty, every thought, every emotion, which belongs to it, in appropriate events.
Not only the generals in full parade uniforms, with their thin or thick waists drawn in to the utmost, their red necks squeezed into their stiff collars, and wearing scarves and all their decorations, not only the elegant, pomaded officers, but every soldier with his freshly washed and shaven face and his weapons clean and polished to the utmost, and every horse groomed till its coat shone like satin and every hair of its wetted mane lay smooth- felt that no small matter was happening, but an important and solemn affair.
Rostov, standing in the front lines of Kutuzov's army which the Tsar approached first, experienced the same feeling as every other man in that army: a feeling of self-forgetfulness, a proud consciousness of might, and a passionate attraction to him who was the cause of this triumph.
Not less are summer-mornings dear To every child they wake, And each with novel life his sphere Fills for his proper sake.
They were scarcely ever without some friends staying with them in the house, and they kept more company of every kind than any other family in the neighbourhood.
Since in every art and science the end aimed at is always good, so particularly in this, which is the most excellent of all, the founding of civil society, the good wherein aimed at is justice; for it is this which is for the benefit of all.
The extension of the prohibition to bills of credit must give pleasure to every citizen, in proportion to his love of justice and his knowledge of the true springs of public prosperity.
The event had every promise of happiness for her friend.
Often he would be surrounded by an eager circle, all waiting to be served; holding boat-spades, pike-heads, harpoons, and lances, and jealously watching his every sooty movement, as he toiled.