

(ˈɛθɪˌsaɪz) or


(tr) to make or consider as ethical
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: ethicized
Gerund: ethicizing

I ethicize
you ethicize
he/she/it ethicizes
we ethicize
you ethicize
they ethicize
I ethicized
you ethicized
he/she/it ethicized
we ethicized
you ethicized
they ethicized
Present Continuous
I am ethicizing
you are ethicizing
he/she/it is ethicizing
we are ethicizing
you are ethicizing
they are ethicizing
Present Perfect
I have ethicized
you have ethicized
he/she/it has ethicized
we have ethicized
you have ethicized
they have ethicized
Past Continuous
I was ethicizing
you were ethicizing
he/she/it was ethicizing
we were ethicizing
you were ethicizing
they were ethicizing
Past Perfect
I had ethicized
you had ethicized
he/she/it had ethicized
we had ethicized
you had ethicized
they had ethicized
I will ethicize
you will ethicize
he/she/it will ethicize
we will ethicize
you will ethicize
they will ethicize
Future Perfect
I will have ethicized
you will have ethicized
he/she/it will have ethicized
we will have ethicized
you will have ethicized
they will have ethicized
Future Continuous
I will be ethicizing
you will be ethicizing
he/she/it will be ethicizing
we will be ethicizing
you will be ethicizing
they will be ethicizing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been ethicizing
you have been ethicizing
he/she/it has been ethicizing
we have been ethicizing
you have been ethicizing
they have been ethicizing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been ethicizing
you will have been ethicizing
he/she/it will have been ethicizing
we will have been ethicizing
you will have been ethicizing
they will have been ethicizing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been ethicizing
you had been ethicizing
he/she/it had been ethicizing
we had been ethicizing
you had been ethicizing
they had been ethicizing
I would ethicize
you would ethicize
he/she/it would ethicize
we would ethicize
you would ethicize
they would ethicize
Past Conditional
I would have ethicized
you would have ethicized
he/she/it would have ethicized
we would have ethicized
you would have ethicized
they would have ethicized
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
References in periodicals archive ?
She wondered why past government decided to ethicize her father's struggle and feigned its significance to the positions they occupied.
Trying to solve the problem of style in Indian music, George Herzog, for example, suggests that "we have to consider the current notions of tribal or national styles as integrated, homogeneous pictures which tend after due time to assimilate new additions to their background, maintaining and restoring their 'original' integrity." (22) Cultural adaptationism would ethicize methodology while extolling societal musical identities.
His attempt to ethicize the ideology of liturgical donation is significant because Demetrius of Phaleron seems to have abolished the choregic liturgy, and perhaps other liturgies as well; see Wehrli, Frag.
Whereas faith must postulate some form of divine providence to assure that efficacy, Estes maintains (correctly, I would argue) that Fichte ethicizes or secularizes that traditional theological principle.