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Related to erringly: eerily, eery


in an erring way
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Blindly, unwittingly, erringly as Dickens often urged them, these ideals mark the whole tendency of his fiction, and they are what endear him to the heart, and will keep him dear to it long after many a cunninger artificer in letters has passed into forgetfulness.
I for one wholeheartedly support Jasinda's stance which looks at such gory happenings, to be actions of some madcaps and halfwits operating in the name of Religion erringly justifying their conduct, which God Almighty alone shall judge in the hereafter.
Within the processes of corruption, it is worth highlighting the public aspect proposed by Ross, who identifies the elements of the gathering of information, the violation of human rights, state-sponsored crime and violence, and points to the detriments "committed by individuals who abuse their state authority, or who use it erringly when working with individuals or organisations of the private sector (142).
"The police enactment of the tragic accident showed that the killed father was blamed for the collision after erringly making a U-turn and entering into the other road without making sure it was clear."
Most research on African American education focuses on the "achievement gap," which erringly compares Black and White students' test scores, without accounting for school inequalities and structural barriers to achievement.