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Sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; adequate: enough work to keep us all busy. See Synonyms at sufficient.
An adequate number or quantity: "The Gods above should give, / They have enough and we do poorly live" (Henry David Thoreau).
1. To a satisfactory amount or degree; sufficiently: Is the fish cooked enough?
2. Very; fully; quite: We were glad enough to leave.
3. Tolerably; rather: She sang well enough, but the show was a failure.
Used to express impatience or exasperation: You've been practicing the guitar all afternoon. Enough!

[Middle English enogh, from Old English genōg; see nek- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a. sufficient to answer a need, demand, supposition, or requirement; adequate: enough cake.
b. (as pronoun): enough is now known.
2. that's enough! that will do: used to put an end to an action, speech, performance, etc
3. so as to be adequate or sufficient; as much as necessary: you have worked hard enough.
4. (not used with a negative) very or quite; rather: she was pleased enough to see me.
5. (intensifier): oddly enough; surprisingly enough.
6. just adequately; tolerably: he did it well enough.
[Old English genōh; related to Old Norse gnōgr, Gothic ganōhs, Old High German ginuog]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. adequate for the want or need; sufficient for the purpose or to satisfy desire: enough water; noise enough to wake the dead.
2. an adequate quantity or number; sufficiency: Enough of us are here to begin.
3. in a quantity or degree that answers a purpose or satisfies a need or desire; sufficiently: studied enough to pass the test.
4. fully or quite: ready enough.
5. tolerably or passably: He sings well enough.
6. (used to express impatience or exasperation.)
[before 900; Middle English enogh, Old English genōh; c. Old High German ginuog; akin to Old English geneah it suffices, Skt naśati (he) reaches]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. after adjectives and adverbs

You use enough after an adjective or adverb to say that someone or something has as much of a quality as is needed.

It's big enough.
We have a long enough list.
The student isn't trying hard enough.

If you want to say who the person or thing is acceptable to, you add a prepositional phrase beginning with for.

That's good enough for me.
Is the soup hot enough for you?

If someone has as much of a quality as they need in order to do something, you add a to-infinitive after enough.

The children are old enough to travel to school on their own.

You can also use a to-infinitive after enough to say that something has as much of a quality as is needed for someone to do something with it. If you want to make it clear who you are talking about, you can add a prepositional phrase beginning with for. For example, you can say 'The boat was close enough to touch' or 'The boat was close enough for me to touch it'.

The bananas are ripe enough to eat.
The music was just loud enough for us to hear it.

Be Careful!
Don't use a that-clause after enough when you are saying what is needed for something to be possible. Don't say, for example, 'The bananas are ripe enough that we can eat them'.

Enough is sometimes used after an adjective to confirm or emphasize that something or someone has a particular quality.

It's a common enough dilemma.

When you make a statement of this kind, you often add a second statement that contrasts with it.

She's likeable enough, but very ordinary.
2. used as a determiner

Enough is used in front of the plural form of a countable noun to say that there are as many things or people as are needed.

They need to make sure there are enough bedrooms for the family.
Do we have enough chairs?

You can also use enough in front of an uncountable noun to say that there is as much of something as is needed.

We had enough room to store all the information.
He hasn't had enough exercise.
3. 'enough of'

Don't use enough immediately in front of a noun phrase beginning with a determiner, or in front of a pronoun. Instead you use enough of.

All parents worry about whether their child is getting enough of the right foods.
They haven't had enough of it.

When you use enough of in front of a plural noun or pronoun, you use a plural form of a verb with it.

Eventually enough of these shapes were collected.
There were enough of them to fill a large box.

When you use enough of in front of a singular or uncountable noun or a singular pronoun, you use a singular form of a verb with it.

Is there enough of a market for this product?
There is enough of it for everybody.
4. used as a pronoun

Enough can be used on its own as a pronoun.

I've got enough to worry about.
Enough has been said about this already.
5. 'not enough'

Don't use enough, or enough and a noun, as the subject of a negative sentence. Don't say, for example, 'Enough people didn't come'. You say 'Not enough people came'.

Not enough has been done to help them.
Not enough attention is paid to young people.
6. modifying adverbs

You can use adverbs such as nearly, almost, just, hardly, and quite in front of enough.

At present there is just enough to feed them.
There was hardly enough time to have lunch.

You can also use these adverbs in front of an expression consisting of an adjective and enough.

We are all nearly young enough to be mistaken for students.
She is just old enough to work.
7. used with sentence adverbials

You can use enough after sentence adverbials like interestingly or strangely to draw attention to a surprising quality in what you are saying.

Interestingly enough, there were some questions that Brian couldn't answer.
I find myself strangely enough in agreement with Jamal for a change.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.enough - an adequate quantityenough - an adequate quantity; a quantity that is large enough to achieve a purpose; "enough is as good as a feast"; "there is more than a sufficiency of lawyers in this country"
relative quantity - a quantity relative to some purpose
fill - a quantity sufficient to satisfy; "he ate his fill of potatoes"; "she had heard her fill of gossip"
Adj.1.enough - sufficient for the purpose; "an adequate income"; "the food was adequate"; "a decent wage"; "enough food"; "food enough"
sufficient - of a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement but without being abundant; "sufficient food"
Adv.1.enough - as much as necessary; "Have I eaten enough?"; (`plenty' is nonstandard) "I've had plenty, thanks"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. sufficient, adequate, ample, abundant, as much as you need, as much as is necessary, Enuf (S.M.S.) They had enough money for a one-way ticket.
1. sufficiency, plenty, sufficient, abundance, adequacy, right amount, ample supply, Enuf (S.M.S.) I hope you brought enough for everyone.
1. sufficiently, amply, fairly, moderately, reasonably, adequately, satisfactorily, abundantly, tolerably, passably, Enuf (S.M.S.) Do you think sentences for criminals are tough enough already?
"Enough is as good as a feast"
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


Being what is needed without being in excess:
An adequate quantity:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
كافٍكِفايَهمهبصورةٍ كافِيَهبِمِقْدارٍ كافٍ
nægileganóg, nægilega mikiînógur, nægileguròótt undarlegt megi virîast
충분한충분한 양
yeterliyeterli miktar/sayıkâfioldukçayeteri kadar


A. ADJsuficiente, bastante
we have enough applestenemos suficientes or bastantes manzanas
I've got enough problems of my ownya tengo suficientes or bastantes problemas con los míos
I haven't enough roomno tengo suficiente or bastante espacio, no tengo espacio suficiente
did you get enough sleep?¿has dormido bastante or lo suficiente?
they didn't have enough money to pay the rentno tenían suficiente dinero (como) para pagar el alquiler
more than enough money/timedinero/tiempo más que suficiente, dinero/tiempo de sobra
to be proof enough that (frm) → ser prueba suficiente de que ..., probar a las claras que ...
1. WITH VB [suffer, help, talk] → bastante, lo suficiente
I can't thank you enoughno puedo agradecértelo bastante or lo suficiente
he opened the door just enough to see outabrió la puerta lo suficiente or lo bastante or lo justo (como) para poder mirar fuera
2. WITH ADJ(lo) suficientemente, lo bastante
it's not big enoughno es (lo) suficientemente grande, no es lo bastante grande
he's old enough to go alonees (lo) suficientemente mayor or es lo bastante mayor (como) para ir solo
that's a good enough excuseésa es una buena excusa
I'm sorry, that's not good enoughlo siento, pero eso no basta
she seems happy enoughparece bien contenta
she was fool enough or stupid enough to listen to himfue tan estúpida que le hizo caso
he was kind enough to lend me the moneytuvo la bondad or amabilidad de prestarme el dinero
it's hard enough to cope with two children, let alone with fiveya es difícil defenderse con dos niños, cuanto peor con cinco
see also fair A1
see also sure B4
3. WITH ADV he can't do it fast enoughno lo puede hacer lo bastante or lo suficientemente rápido, no lo puede hacer con la suficiente rapidez
when he saw her coming he couldn't get away fast enoughcuando la vio venir desapareció todo lo rápido que pudo
he hadn't prepared the report carefully enoughno había preparado el informe con la debida atención
curiously or oddly or strangely enoughpor extraño or raro que parezca
you know well enough thatsabes muy bien or de sobra que ...
they seem to be settling down well enoughparece que se están adaptando bastante bien
he writes well enough, I supposeno escribe mal, supongo
see also funnily
C. PRONbastante, suficiente
there are enough for everyonehay bastantes or suficientes para todos
will £15 be enough?¿habrá bastante or suficiente con 15 libras?¿bastarán 15 libras?¿serán suficientes 15 libras?
that's enough, thankscon eso basta or ya es suficiente, gracias
that's enough!¡basta ya!, ¡ya está bien!
as if that weren't enoughpor si eso fuera poco
have you had enough to eat?¿has comido bastante or lo suficiente?
you don't eat enoughno comes bastante or lo suficiente
we don't get paid enoughno nos pagan bastante or lo suficiente
I have enough to do without taking on more worktengo ya bastante que hacer (como) para aceptar más trabajo
we earn enough to live onganamos lo bastante or lo suficiente (como) para vivir
it's enough to drive you mades (como) para volverse loco
enough's enough¡basta ya!, ¡ya está bien!
it is enough for us to know thatnos basta con saber que ...
we've got more than enoughtenemos más que suficiente(s) or más que de sobra
he has had more than enough to drinkha bebido más de la cuenta
I've had enough of his silly behaviourya estoy harto de sus tonterías
you can never have enough of this scenerynunca se cansa uno de este paisaje
I think you have said enoughcreo que ya has dicho bastante or suficiente
enough is as good as a feastrogar a Dios por santos mas no por tantos

 When used as an adjective or pronoun, bastante, like suficiente, agrees with the noun it describes or refers to:
Are there enough potatoes? ¿Hay bastantes patatas? Eggs? Yes, there are enough ¿Huevos? Sí, hay bastantes
 Don't add an "s" to the adverb bastante (i.e. when it modifies an adjective or verb other than ser, parecer ):
They're not poor enough to get money from the State No son lo bastante pobres (como) para recibir dinero del Estado We've studied these photographs enough Ya hemos estudiado bastante estas fotografías
After verbs - adverbial Use
 When a purpose is implied or stated, translate using lo suficiente or, especially in affirmative phrases, lo bastante:
We know enough to be able to say that these techniques are safe Sabemos lo suficiente or lo bastante (como) para afirmar que estas técnicas son seguras
 When no purpose is implied or stated, translate using either bastante or lo suficiente:
He says he hasn't had enough to eat Dice que no ha comido bastante or no ha comido lo suficiente We shall never be able to thank you enough Nunca se lo podremos agradecer bastante or lo suficiente
After adjectives and adverbs
 Translate using lo + bastante + ((ADJECTIVE/ADVERB)) or (lo) suficientemente + ((ADJECTIVE/ADVERB)):
He isn't good enough to take part in the Olympics No es lo bastante or (lo) suficientemente bueno (como) para participar en las Olimpiadas She couldn't run fast enough to catch him No pudo correr lo bastante or (lo) suficientemente rápido (como) para atraparlo No pudo correr lo bastante or lo suficiente (como) para atraparlo
To be enough
 To be enough can often be translated using bastar:
That's enough! ¡Basta ya! That's enough to feed an army! Con eso basta para dar de comer a un regimiento
NOTE As bastar is an impersonal verb, it often takes an indirect object:
Promises are no longer enough for him Ya no le bastan las promesas That's enough for him Con eso le basta
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


adjassez de, suffisamment de
I didn't have enough money → Je n'avais pas assez d'argent., Je n'avais pas suffisamment d'argent.
enough time → assez de temps, suffisamment de temps
enough time to do sth → assez de temps pour faire qch, suffisamment de temps pour faire qch
Have you got enough? → En avez-vous assez?, Avez-vous assez?
Will five be enough?
BUT Est-ce que cinq suffiront?.Est-ce qu'il y en aura assez avec cinq?
I think I have said enough → Je crois en avoir dit assez.
to have enough to eat → avoir assez à manger
that's enough, thanks → cela suffit, merci, c'est assez, merci
that's enough!, enough! → ça suffit!, assez!
to have had enough
I've had enough! → Je n'en peux plus!
I've had enough of him → Je l'ai assez vu.
I've had enough of it! → J'en ai assez!
to have enough to do
I've got enough to do already! → J'ai déjà assez à faire comme ça!
I've got enough to think about! → Je suis déjà assez occupé comme ça!
enough said (= say no more) → assez parlé
enough is enough → trop c'est trop
big enough → assez grand(e), suffisamment grand(e)
warm enough → suffisamment chaud(e)
it's hot enough as it is! → il fait déjà assez chaud comme ça!
it's nice enough (= okay) → c'est pas mal
to be kind enough to do sth → avoir la gentillesse de faire qch
He was kind enough to lend me the money → Il a eu la gentillesse de me prêter l'argent.
funnily enough, ... → chose curieuse, ...
interestingly enough, ... → chose intéressante, ...
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(before noun) (= sufficient)genug; enough sugar/applesgenug or genügend Zucker/Äpfel; enough trouble/problems (= more would be unwelcome)genug Ärger/Probleme
(after noun: form) proof enoughBeweis genug
prongenug (of von); I had not seen enough of his workich hatte noch nicht genug von seiner Arbeit gesehen; I hope it’s enoughich hoffe, es reicht or genügt; two years was enoughzwei Jahre reichten, zwei Jahre waren lange genug; have you enough to pay the bill?haben Sie genug, um die Rechnung zu bezahlen?; we have enough to live onwir haben genug zum Leben, es reicht uns zum Leben; this noise is enough to drive me maddieser Lärm macht mich noch ganz verrückt; one song was enough to show he couldn’t singein Lied genügte, um zu zeigen, dass er nicht singen konnte; it is enough for us to know that …es genügt uns zu wissen, dass …; I’ve got enough to worry aboutich habe genug Sorgen; we’ve made enough of a mess herewir haben hier genug angerichtet; enough is enoughwas zu viel ist, ist zu viel; enough saidmehr braucht man nicht zu sagen; to have had enough (= be fed up)genug haben (of von); I’ve had enoughich habe genug; (in exasperation) → jetzt reichts mir aber (inf); one can never have enough of this musicvon dieser Musik kann man nie genug kriegen; that’s enough!jetzt reicht es aber!, jetzt ist es aber genug!
(= sufficiently)genug; to be punished enoughgenug bestraft sein; he is good enough to winer ist gut genug, um zu gewinnen; he knows well enough what I saider weiß ganz genau, was ich gesagt habe
(= reasonably, fairly) it is common enough for children to overeates kommt durchaus häufig vor, dass Kinder zu viel essen; to be happy enougheinigermaßen zufrieden sein; to be happy enough to do somethingetw so weit ganz gern tun; she sounded sincere enoughsie schien so weit ganz ehrlich; easy enoughnicht allzu schwer; it is easy enough to make them yourselfman kann sie ohne Weiteres selbst machen; he drove off happily enougher ist ganz fröhlich weggefahren; I like it well enoughes gefällt mir so weit ganz gut; easily enoughohne größere Schwierigkeiten ? also fair1 ADJ a
oddly or funnily enoughkomischerweise; interestingly enoughinteressanterweise ? also sure ADV b
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. adj & n (sufficient) → abbastanza
enough people/money/time → abbastanza gente/soldi/tempo
more than enough money → denaro più che sufficiente
have you had enough to eat? → hai mangiato abbastanza?
have you got enough? → ne hai abbastanza or a sufficienza?
we earn enough to live on → guadagniamo quel tanto che basta per vivere
will £5 be enough? → bastano 5 sterline?
that's enough, thank you → basta, grazie
there's more than enough for everyone → ce n'è più che a sufficienza per tutti
enough! → basta!
enough's enough! (fam) → adesso basta!
I've had enough! (protest) → non ne posso più!
I've had enough of (doing) this → ne ho avuto abbastanza di (fare) questo
it's enough to drive you mad (fam) → è sufficiente a farti diventare matto
you can never have enough of this scenery → non ci si stancherebbe mai di questo paesaggio
it was enough to prove his innocence → è stato sufficiente a dimostrare la sua innocenza
2. advabbastanza
big enough → abbastanza grande
it's hot enough (as it is!) → fa già abbastanza caldo (così)!
he's old enough to go alone → è abbastanza grande da poterci andare da solo
she was fool enough or enough of a fool to listen to him → è stata così stupida da dargli retta
he was kind enough to lend me the money → è stato così gentile da prestarmi i soldi
you know well enough that ... → sai molto bene che...
he has not worked enough → non ha lavorato abbastanza
oddly enough, ... → stranamente...
sure enough → come volevasi dimostrare
fair enough! (fam) → d'accordo!
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(iˈnaf) adjective
in the number or quantity etc needed. Have you enough money to pay for the books?; food enough for everyone.
the amount needed. He has had enough to eat; I've had enough of her rudeness.
1. to the degree needed. Is it hot enough?; He swam well enough to pass the test.
2. one must admit; you must agree. She's pretty enough, but not beautiful; Oddly enough, it isn't raining.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


كافٍ dost nok genug αρκετά, αρκετός bastante, suficiente tarpeeksi assez dovoljan, dovoljno abbastanza, sufficiente 十分, 十分な 충분한, 충분한 양 genoeg, voldoende nok dosyć, wystarczający suficiente достаточно, достаточный tillräcklig, tillräckligt จำนวนที่พอเพียง, พอเพียง yeterli đủ 充足的, 足够的东西
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a., adv. bastante, suficiente;
fair ___de acuerdo;
large ___bastante grande;
sure ___sin duda;
int. ¡basta!; ¡no más!
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
'Well, my good friend, have you had enough now?' 'I have had plenty of meat,' answered he, 'but I should like to have a piece of bread to eat after it.' 'Come with me then,' said the sparrow, 'and you shall soon have that too.' So she took him to a baker's shop, and pecked at two rolls that lay in the window, till they fell down: and as the dog still wished for more, she took him to another shop and pecked down some more for him.
If a horse did not move fast enough, or hold his head high enough, it was owing to some fault of his keep- ers.
Of all the treasures of enjoyment that you poured so freely into my heart, how much is left me that has purpose and value enough to be written on this page?
The idea of you thinking you had pluck enough to lynch a MAN!
His manner was impressive enough, if his English was childishly imperfect when compared with the fluency of Mr.
"Is that enough to live on, Moody?" her Ladyship asked.
I let it fall over my face and neck and hands, when I have occasion to pass along the corridors or to enter my father's study--and I find it protection enough. Don't be too ready to deplore my sad condition, sir!
"My time here is short enough. I don't lose sight of you again between this and midnight."
Presently it began to grow light enough to read, so I drew out a little pocket copy of the "Ingoldsby Legends" which I had brought with me, and read "The Jackdaw of Rheims." When I got to where
The name of Captain Flint, though it was strange to me, was well enough known to some there and carried a great weight of terror.
They are not AT LIBERTY to vest in the executive department permanent funds for the support of an army, if they were even incautious enough to be willing to repose in it so improper a confidence.
Therefore, when his first fit of anger had passed away, having remarked a barred window through which there passed a stream of light, lozenge-shaped, which must be, he knew, the bright orb of approaching day, Louis began to call out, at first gently enough, then louder and louder still; but no one replied.