

a person who is elected
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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As we entered the year with substantial political uncertainty, including the President's implementation of an economic plan, we also had a new gubernatorial electee with Phil Murphy moving into his role in Trenton.
"The Hall provides guidance to inductees as to which logo, if any, may be depicted on an electee's plaque cap," he wrote.
Gheorghe 1 147 22 The Hellenic Union of Romania 1 055 23 Democratic Union of Hungarians in 972 Romania 24 The Alliance for democracy party 888 25 Democratic Union of Roma from 791 Romania 26 Cooperative party 769 27 The Christian Democratic Union 673 28 Democratic Unity Party 625 29 Romanian Peasant Party 603 30 Socialist Party of Justice (independent) 515 31 National Gratitude Party in Romania 382 TOTAL 462 112 List of the electee representatives Nr.
Freedom of travelling, freedom of having an education, freedom of existing in political life as an electorate and electee, the right to work, are guaranteed by the Constitution for all citizens.
is much easier to control an illegitimate unpopular president than a strong electee. Such was the case in Ukraine and Georgia.
"Nobody is yet aware what the role involves, but it should be a consensual electee of the business community.
In all, 68 Hall of Famers--including 2009 electee Joe Gordon, a second baseman for the Yankees (1938-43 and 46) and Indians (1947-50)--served in the Armed Forces.
(1) See Hongxi Li, "Zhongtong dangxuan wuxiao panjue baisu (Chinese Nationalist Party and People First Party Lose the Lawsuit for the Nullification of an Electee's Status)", Taiwan Daily, 6-7 Nov.
Up came Kiki Cuyler, the Cubs fine right fielder and years later Hall of Fame electee. He was a valuable clutch hitter.
Lin also said the KMT will soon re-lodge its lawsuit aimed at the nullification of the election and nullification of an electee's status so as to enable a recount to be executed.