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Related to eductor: eductor pump


a person or thing that educes
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Jeff: With any installation, tank design is going to be critical--along with solution movement around the heater, whether by eductor, or pneumatic mixer.
Pellets are sampled from the process after the classifier and fall by gravity to the eductor. The eductor accellerates the pellets into the cyclone and begins the first phase of drying.
Fluids can be recirculated through tanks to achieve separation, although the process can be enhanced by the introduction of eductor nozzles.
Fluids can be recirculated through tanks to achieve separation which helps to optimise chemical action in dip tanks, although the process can be enhanced by the introduction of eductor nozzles.
Se establecieron 5 factores: eductor, informante, dominio del problema, dominio de la solucion y proceso de educcion.
Your role as an eductor has changed and will continue to evolve as technology evolves.
"I go down to a pump room and have to turn on an eductor to get water out of a space the old-fashioned way as opposed to new ships, you just press a button and the eductor goes."
Other features include an eductor with three nozzle sizes tuned for optimal performance according to the application: turf, crop sprayer, or transfer.
In such cases, an airlock, rotary valve, screw feeder, eductor, or other specialized solution may be required.
A new Bulk Bag Weigh Batch Eductor System from bulk solids handling specialists Flexicon (Europe), loosens bulk solid material that has solidified during storage and shipment, discharges the material by weight and blends it into a liquid stream.
An eductor is provided for torching the feed material and to stablise combustion inside the reactor in the beginning.
Popular products among the company's label customers include the eductor system, material handling blower with inline cutter, and the chopping blower.