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1. (Textiles)
a. (also without capital) a synthetic co-polymer of acrylonitrile and vinyl chloride, used to create a textile similar to wool
b. (as modifier): a Dynel wig.
2. (Textiles) (as modifier): a Dynel wig.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Although some scholars argue that scripted speech is determined by the underlying rules, linguistic principles, and conversational conventions of naturally occurring speech and that scripted speech and naturally occurring speech share common features (Dynel, 2011; Richardson, 2010), scripted speech tends to be artificial, carefully constructed, and inauthentic.
Dynel Lane lured Michelle, a stranger, to her home, by advertising second-hand maternity clothes online.
The students taking part in the programme are Rahul, Anil, Jeet Palicha, Andrew Prince, Aravind Venkatraman, Akshat Bhatnagar, Pratyush Sivakumar, Dynel Lewis, Santhosh Chandrasekar, Hriditaa Dekate, Aishwarya Suresh, Hiranshi Mistry and Manasvini Sharma, who will be accompanied by teachers Jino Varghese and Sherida Agnes De Souza.
Michelle Wilkins and Dynel Lane proudly showed off their growing bumps on social media, gathered tiny clothes and celebrated at baby showers thrown by their excited friends.
Dynel Lane first lured Michelle Wilkins with an online ad for free maternity clothes and then cut the fetus from her womb.
The jury in Boulder, Colorado, found Dynel Lane guilty of attempted first-degree murder, assault and unlawful termination of a pregnancy over last year's attack.
Wilkins survived the savage attack by Dynel Lane but baby Aurora was pronounced dead at Longmont United Hospital.
Dynel (2012) also investigates impoliteness, but in the form of swear words, using YouTube commentaries as the data set.
Nylon, Vinyon N, Orlon, Dynel, Dacron, and other chemical resistant synthetic cloths are available.
Only in Mitchell's queer version we become whole by reuniting the male and female halves of ourselves--even if it takes Dynel wigs and pop-star fantasies.