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(Currencies) a Dutch coin that was in former use and was equivalent to two penning
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Here we capitalised on another opportunity for research (the second of Duit's (2007) significant issues in educational design).
Whereas Gentner's structure mapping approach predominately focuses on carry-over of prepositional structures, the pragmatic approach of Holyoak (1985) also takes into account contextual factors (Wilbers & Duit, 2001).
Numerous research studies have reported students' alternative ideas as about a range of science concepts and understandings (Pfund and Duit, 2001).
The analysis uses the "ecological state" (Duit, 2008) as a theoretical point of departure for the changing roles of the state vis-a-vis global carbon-and-conservation models.
James' friend Tom Duit, 19, whose room is in the same block of student accommodation, was at the bar when James was last seen.
To account for how students learn science disciplines, Posner, Strike, Hewson, and Gertzog (1982) proposed Conceptual Change theory, based on the idea that science learning is a rational and intelligible process (also see Carey, 2000; Duit, 2003; Nesessian, 1989; Strike & Posner, 1992).
Her account of a concert given in 1900 'by the Central Branch of the Gaelic League in the Rotunda, at which the eighteen-year-old James Joyce sang [Douglas] Hyde's "Is aoibhinn duit" to the air of "The croppy boy"', is typical in this respect and, reflecting on similar evidence, she concludes that the Gaelic League promoted music as 'a means to an end' rather than as an end in itself (p.
As Duit (1994, 1996) highlighted, conceptual change has become a trademark in constructivist teaching and learning.
By Farah MehdawiLoreena MckennittCOs An Ancient Muse is a collection of nine pieces: Incantation, The Gates of Istanbul, Caravanserai, The English Ladye and the Knight, Kecharitomene, PenelopeCOs Song, Sacred Shabbat, Beneath a Phrygian Sky and Never-ending Road (Amhraan Duit).
There was also a grant for the Department of the Gaeltacht for including Nollaig Shona Duit on the decorations.
DuIt was scary when we first heard Dundee were going into administration.
Around 100 participants from the WHSMP-PC/IFI areas Nagacadan, Duit and Bolog and from the eleven other municipalities attended the said event.