doum palm

(redirected from doum)

doum palm

also doom palm
A palm (Hyphaene thebaica) native to northern Africa, having fan-shaped leaves, edible fruits about the size of an orange with a taste reminiscent of gingerbread, and usually a branched trunk. Also called gingerbread palm.

[From Arabic dawm (probably via an Arabic dialectal form dōm).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

doum palm

(duːm) or

doom palm

(Plants) an Egyptian palm tree, Hyphaene thebaica, with a divided trunk and edible apple-sized fruits
[C19 doum, via French from Arabic dawm]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Hunger conspired with fatigue to crush him, for a man's system is not greatly restored and fortified by a diet of roots, the pith of plants, such as the Mele, or the fruit of the doum palm-tree; and yet, according to his own calculations, Joe was enabled to push on about twenty miles to the westward.
"The extensive benefits of baobab and doum fruits are not well-known, and I had the idea of reshaping and rebranding the old Hajja stuff that my generation used to consume into creative and modern products attractive to all ages and making these hard-to-eat fruits into easy and fun bites." Habhaboh is now the first Saudi brand with a registered trademark that manufactures and sells organic baobab fruit products.
Recently added to the list of Ramadan drinks, doum is a tree found in Africa and Upper Egypt, and has many medical benefits.
91 (2016) (situating cramdown interest rate determinations against the broader challenge of valuing promises and property in bankruptcy and arguing that the formula approach best reflects core valuation principles laid down by Congress and the courts); Matthew Henschen O'Brien, Tilling the Cram Doum Landscape: Using Securitization Data to Expose the Fundamental Fallacies of Till, 59 Vand.
Antioxidant activity of hot water extract from the fruit of the Doum palm, Hyphaene the baica.
class="MsoNormalThis castaway-style lodge sits high among sand dunes and doum palms in the heart of the Tana River Delta, along the wide concave stretch of coast between Malindi and Lamu.
Drop by at the newly reopened Sheraton Cairo and try the signature cocktail "Khan el khalili" which is a mixture of the renowned Egyptian "Doum" juice, milk, cinnamon syrup and cloves is inspired from the historical Bazar street "Khan el Khalili" were you will find a great mix of cultural and historic structures.
Egyptian police forces patrol streets - File photo CAIRO -- 10 April 2018: A policeman, named Mohamed Ragab, was killed Tuesday in an exchange of fire with outlaws in a security raid at Hamra Doum Village in Upper Egypt's governorate of Qena.
Three years later, cleanup efforts continue and researchers are studying the long-term consequences of the spill on the Arava's fragile ecological system and local species, such as the doum palm and acacia trees.
El-Beltagi, "Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of kaff maryam (Anastatica hierochuntica) and doum palm (Hyphaene thebaica)," Grasas Aceites, vol.