
Related to dorty: dotty, forty


adj, dortier or dortiest
Scot haughty or sullen
[C17: from Scottish dort peevishness]
ˈdortiness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
HIGH SERIES - Dorty Miller 538, Carolyn Tillery 488, Mildred Hand 488.
Unsolved History research team members appear almost unanimous in their conclusions, the exception being Historical Researcher Murray Dorty. Dorty argues that the Boston Massacre was a case of murder since the crowd was unarmed.
Dorothy Jean (Dorty) Kerr, former director of the American Youth Foundation's Camp Miniwanca in Shelby, Michigan.
Let dorty Dames say na, As lang as e'er they please, Seem caulder than the snaw, While inwardly they bleeze; But I will frankly shaw my mind, And yield my heart to thee; Be ever to the captive kind, That langs nae to be free.
hoap hote leeve meave kake dake derty dorty hawl harl shurt shart fether fither bote boaf gaim gome kard carn craul crail braive broave thurd thord froun froan therty thorty fawl farl nurve norve shrude shrode flert flerd groe gron flote klote beich beash werld warld floar ploor reech reash naim nade balk bape bloe blog broun broan ferst filst klass cliss flote floap tirn turt thair theer bair beal faim fune burd bart craive croave hirt herk draul drail karm karn mair maif lether lither sope sote Appendix B
I might have ended impressing dorty Deborah (a 'what if' in itself ) and saving dozens of other kids.
"Dorty" had been the director of the American Youth Foundation's Camp Miniwanca, in Shelby, Michigan, and retired from AYF in 1981.
I might have ended impressing dorty Deborah (a "what if" in itself ) and saving dozens of other kids from low-level bullying.
Even the likes of Dorty Jimmy and his cohort of snotties and grungies took note, as the key to the telly-on-legs-cupboardthingy was opened and the hall began to fill with the rest of the school.
As the gathered men sipped thoughtfully on their cans of Tennants (each with a picture of a smiling lass with purple or green eye shadow printed on the side) they genuinely seemed to want the cup to come back up here rather than To 'Dorty Leeds'.
When we lived in me Granfathor's Colliery hoos, not far from the dorty owld Tyne.