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(Ecclesiastical Terms) obsolete a clergyman: used as a form of address
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.domine - a clergymandomine - a clergyman; especially a settled minister or parson
clergyman, man of the cloth, reverend - a member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church
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References in classic literature ?
" Ago tibi gratias, domine " said the barber; and then looking very steadfastly at Jones, he said, with great gravity, and with a seeming surprize, as if he had recollected a face he had seen before, "Sir, may I crave the favour to know if your name is not Jones?" To which the other answered, "That it was."--" Proh deum atque hominum fidem !" says the barber; "how strangely things come to pass!
``Et vobis quaso, domine reverendissime, pro misericordia vestra.''
There was in the two ways in which "Master Jacques" was pronounced on the one hand, and the "master" by preeminence on the other, the difference between monseigneur and monsieur, between domine and domne .
"In manus tuas, Domine! I am in the keeping of James of Compostella, to whose shrine I shall make pilgrimage, and in whose honor I vow that I will eat a carp each year upon his feast-day.
"In manus tuas, Domine!"he said, crossing himself as he passed over the threshold.
Le Raja qui a tout fait a domine mais n'a malheureusement pas gagne.
Maurice domine largement les Jeux de iles de l'Ocean Indien (JIOI) en remportant, jusqu'a ce mercredi, en debut de soiree, un total de 128 medailles, dont 49 en or, 49 en argent et 30 en bronze, a-t-on constate sur place.
The CD offers eight surviving psalms from Zelenka's original third cycle, as well as the opening Dapacem Domine, which together with the psalms Confitebor tibi Domine, In convertendo, Beati omnes, Confitebor Angelorum, and Domine probasti me is heard on recording for the very first time.