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(Elements & Compounds) any organic compound whose molecules contain a pentagonal ring of three carbon atoms and two nitrogen atoms, esp imidazole (1,3-diazole) or pyrazole (1,1–diazole)
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In our synthetic design for the monomer [48], sulfur is replaced by selenium [49] on the diazole backbone containing two alkoxy functional groups [50] to maintain S--O interaction with the thiophene pi-bridge as shown in Fig.
Diazole ring is prominent moiety in wide range of bioactive compounds, agrochemicals, dyestuffs, photographic, and heat resistant polymers and attains distinct interest of researchers [1, 2].
* US Patent 8,921,295 B2; American Sterilizer Company, Mentor, OH, has patented a concentrated neutral detergent composition that is comprised of one or more nonionic surfactants, comprising a primary or a secondary alcohol ethoxylate, an alcohol alkoxylate other than said ethoxylate, an aromatic ethoxylate, a modified ethoxylate, or a block polymer of propylene oxide and ethylene oxide, or any combination thereof; one or more hydrotropes comprising an amine oxide, or a glucoside, or both; one or more chelants; a buffer comprising one or more alcohol amines, or one or more organic acids, or any combination thereof; one or more corrosion inhibitors comprising an amine, amidazole, diazole, triazole, carboxylic acid, or any combination thereof; and water.
Louis, MO) has patented a method of improving the yield and vigor of an agronomic plant involves treating plants such as soybeans and corn and/or their propagation material with a composition that includes an active agent, such as a diazole fungicide, a triazole fungicide, or a strobilurin-type fungicide, which has the capacity to improve the yield and/or the vigor of the plant in the absence of pest pressure by fungal plant pathogens.
The additive was found to selectively dissolve the fullerene phase, in a way providing independence for the poly[2,6-(4,4-bis(2-ethylhexyl)--4Hcyclopenta[2,1 -b;3,4-b']-dithiophene)-a/r-4,7-(2,1,3 benzothia diazole)] (PCPDTBT) polymer to crystallize sufficiently in the composite mixture [15].