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1. (Classical Music) a style of two-part polyphonic singing; organum or a freer form resembling it
2. (Music, other) (in classical Greece) another word for dissonance3 Compare symphony5a
[C17: from Late Latin diaphōnia, from Greek, from diaphōnos discordant, from dia- + phōnē sound]
diaphonic adj
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2 A Trois Manneke, Daan Diaphony for Geoffrey (Daniel) (Brass Trio and Piano) Marek, Robert Trio for Brass Instruments Masso, George Trio Matej, Jozka (Josef) Concerto for Trumpet, Horn, Trombone and Chamber Orchestra Maunder, Peter Trio for Brass McBride, Robert Guyn Folksong Fantasy Lament for the Parking Problem Red River Valley McGovern, Mark Tripartite McLean, Edwin Scenes from Storyville Mellnas, Arne Siamfoni Meulemans, Arthur Concerto for Organ, Trumpet, Horn and Trombone Trio No.
Do they sound like bells or like howling wolves?; interferential diaphony in Bistritsa; an investigation into a multi-part singing tradition in a middle-western Bulgarian village.
Diaphony of leaf, pierced by rootward sandal of the tremble, into