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vb (tr)
to remove the upper, pollen-bearing part (the tassel) of a corn (maize) plant and place it on the ground. This is done to one variety of corn in a plantation containing two varieties, so that all the corn will be pollinated by a single variety, thus producing fertile hybrids
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Take advantage of the drier weather in June's fourth week to detassel corn, to bring in the winter wheat, to complete the first cut of alfalfa and to start the second cut.
to catch a school bus to the farms outside of town, where he'd weed rows of soybeans and detassel corn--a Plains rite of adolescence that aids pollination.
That increase revolutionized farming, but it also meant a lot of work for the hybrid companies; someone had to detassel acres and acres of corn in the process of growing a new breed of plant.
Moreover, the window of opportunity to detassel the plant is only three days.
Other alternatives for the complete control of pollen dissemination may be through isolation in time or using the transgenic plants only as female that are detassel before anthesis (Garcia et al., 1998) in the routine breeding programs.
Harvest, detassel corn, cut hay, pull weeds and do midsummer pruning in the moon's third or fourth quarter.
WLA members raised vegetables, detasseled corn, shocked wheat, picked cotton, and harvested fruits and nuts.
"They seem detasseled about my case going up on appeal."
In each isolation block, one population was used as the male and the other seven populations were detasseled and used as females.