

(Anatomy) having teeth
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Facilities include energy dissipaters in the form of dentated and serrated blocks distributed on the vertical face of quay structures inside the harbor [3].
The main aim of the paper is to assess the improvement of harbor tranquillity at the Saras harbor when vertical dentated wall is designed in a large portion of the waterfront where a vertical plane wall exists.
It is found that the investigation of [3, 5] on wave reflection from a dentated and serrated sloped seawall is a unicum in the literature.
Specifically in the portion of the waterfront from where the outer sea can be viewed, the vertical plane seawall will be covered by a dentated structure of marine-grade stainless steel (Figure 3).
Table 3 shows three different cases in the estimation of superimposed waves: Case A is the current configuration with vertical reflective structures and Case B and Case C are related to the design of dentated vertical seawalls in place of the existing seawall and quaywall for incident waves with [T.sub.0] = 4 and 9 seconds, respectively.
Two structural configurations were simulated: the current configuration with vertical impermeable seawall (Conf 1) and quaywall and the configuration with the dentated structures (Conf 2).
Among these approaches, the dentated and serrated vertical seawalls appear to give the possibility of reducing the high wave disturbance particularly for short wave.
Sandhya, "Wave reflection characteristics of plane, dentated and serrated seawalls," Ocean Engineering, vol.
Caption: Figure 1: Comparison of the reflection coefficient [K.sub.r] for plane, dentated, and serrated vertical seawalls.
Caption: Figure 3: Isometric view of the dentated seawall (adapted from [5]).