
(redirected from denari)
Related to denari: denarius, denarii


n. pl. den·a·ri (dĕn′är-ē)
See Table at currency.

[Macedonian, from Old Church Slavonic dinarii, from Late Greek dēnarion, from Latin dēnārius; see denary.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Currencies) the standard monetary unit of Macedonia, divided into 100 deni
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The winners from first to third place respectively are Denari Cash , a mobile application helping overseas workers to send money; Arabee , a high specification platform providing an online multi-format Arabic language programme; and xpence , a digital-only intelligent business bank account designed by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs.
These clinical and radiographic findings require more specialized clinical procedures for the treatment, such as endodontics, exodontia, restorative treatments and also the rehabilitation of the space with the use of prosthesis, especially Denari's fixed prosthesis, since the vast majority of children was very young, making impossible the use of the removable prosthesis.
It is precisely because these biases are so ingrained and because Islamophobia is on the rise that Finding Jesus Among Muslims: How Loving Islam Makes Me a Better Catholic by Jordan Denari Duffner is such an important and timely resource.
(2) Bioversity International, Via dei Tre Denari, 472/a - 00054 Maccarese, Rome, Italy
While Jordan Denari Duffner's book would be a welcome resource for interreligious dialogue at any point, it resonates even more in our current timeline of Muslim travel bans and Senate candidates who have said that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to hold public office.
"We hope the report gives Catholic leaders and educators insights into how ordinary Catholics view Islam and interfaith dialogue," Jordan Denari Duffner, the report's author, ( said in a statement. 
estes aspectos sao importantes a serem observados na instituicao publica, nos diferentes espacos, para que as pessoas com deficiencia fisica possam acessar todos os ambientes e, para que suas rotas e rotinas possam ser previstas, sem que cause impacto na acessibilidade e na vida academica (Cambruzzi, Costa, & Denari, 2013, p.
66r-69v): almost all the male and female "[F]inalm[ente] l'istessa servants put in prison, though sig[no) ra messe [sic] quasi she was of the highest tutti i servitori et serve in nobility, was bitterly rebuked prigione, ancorche fossi [sic] by the judge and, having paid della prima nobilta, fu a not small sum of money, with aspramente ripresa dai iudici few people [and] most et pagata non poco [sic] somma afflicted she returns home di denari, con pochi and, with the shepherd thus afflictissima se ne ritorna a shaken, the flock disbands.
D'altra parte il Lotto stesso, bohemien sempre a corto di denari, sradicato solitario, aperto alle influenze non solo artistiche provenienti da oltre le Alpi, e poi "sensibile e ombroso [...] cavilloso [...] pio [...] tormentato, ripiegato su se stesso [...] forastico e malinconioso [...] silenzioso [...] pieno di scrupoli, affatto accomodante, fantastico, quasi lunatico"--come suggerisce, o ipotizza, la Banti (15, 22, 37, 39, 45, 46, 48)--era desideroso di ritrovare le stesse tensioni e contraddizioni nell'umanita di quanti dipingeva, fossero pure figure eccelse, come in una sorta di pacato dialogo, se non coinvolgente relazione speculare, fra soggetto e autore del ritratto.