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a. the light given off by the atmosphere of the Earth as seen during daytime
b. (as modifier): dayglow observations.
fluorescent: dayglow green running shoes.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
From electric pinks, dayglow greens, captivating purples, shining blues and fluorescent yellows, neon never goes out of fashion and adds the wow factor to any style or outfit.
The planes were repainted dayglow red for safety reasons.
It is also referred to as dayglow, twilightglow, or nightglow depending on whether the sun is shining.
Speaking about his dayglow tan - which he describes as "olive" in colour - Dickinson said: "This is my colour and like my friend on Celebrity Juice says, 'I like a f***g good holiday'."
Speaking of his dayglow tan, which he describes as "olive", David says: "This is my colour and like my friend on Celebrity Juice [Keith Lemmon] says...
The buskers, beggars and those hustlers in dayglow jerkins had yet to take up their pitches.
With each click of the turret, the dayglow dot becomes brighter or dimmer, depending upon the direction of rotation; in between clicks it turns off, saving battery life.
I THINK it's time for Cardiff council to issue the residents of Cathays with hard hats and dayglow yellow vests, as we are living on a never ending building site.
Earlier, Knussen had hurled great dayglow swirls of colour at Julian Anderson's 2009 ballet The Comedy of Change and the players responded with flashing brilliance.
In van der Weijde's photographs, the building's two grey monoliths are set against the dayglow colours of the natural space around them, creating a contrast that speaks to the exceptional distance between the structure and any possible human form.
'I just wanted you to read it.' The hi-vis dayglow tree.
WORCESTER - Dayglow will return to the DCU Center at 8 p.m.