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Subgenital plate as long as broad, with bristles evenly; sternal apodeme narrow, about 0.2 times longer than sternum (sternal apodeme plus sterno) (Figure 1C); genital capsule (Figures 1D, E) with paramere rounded apically, narrower than parameral lamina, with dense bristles; volsellar lamina with few bristles spaced subapically; cuspis robust, with tooth in lateral and apical parts and a bristle at the apex; digitus narrow, 0.40-0.46 times the length of cuspis plus volsellar lamina, with tooth in the apex, apex rounded dorsally and angulated ventrally, its basal region slightly larger than apical region; aedeagus (including aedeagal apodeme) 0.90-0.95 times the length of paramere plus parameral lamina (including the parameral apodeme); ergot about 0.27-0.37 times the length of aedeagus.
Para el caso de las valvas cardiacas en general, nos guiamos tambien por la NAV, usando los nombres de Valvas atrioventricularis dextra y sinistra con Cuspis y Valva Trunci Pulmonalis y Valva Aortae con sus valvulas semilunares.